Pasteurisation kills off any harmful bacteria that may be present. 巴氏消毒法可杀死可能存在的任何有害细菌。
The perfect mixing system for homogenicing, emulsification, blending, heating, tank pasteurisation, cooling etc. 完美的混合系统:可以用来均质、乳化、混合、加热、罐内巴氏杀菌、冷却等等。
No pasteurisation, ozone or ultra-violet treatment is used to render the water sterile. 消毒时不采用巴氏杀菌法、臭氧或超紫外线处理。
Formative Factors of Pasteurisation Bubble Ring in Beer in Bottles and Its Prevention 瓶装啤酒巴氏灭菌泡沫环成因及预防
The osmotic pressure of condensed milk, soy sauce and syrup, the familiar food in our daily life, is high. In normal conditions, the sterilization methods of controlling microorganisms of these food is pasteurisation combined the high osmotic pressure. 炼乳、酱油和糖浆是日常生活中常见的食品,它们的特点是具有高的渗透压,采用巴氏消毒的杀菌方式,并结合食品自身的渗透压来维持食品的特性。