Study of Molecular Pathomechanism of Renal Fibrosis in Chronic Allograft Nephropathy 慢性移植肾肾病肾纤维化分子病理机制研究
Endoplasmic reticulum stress has drawn much attention recently because of its potential roles in the pathomechanism of atherosclerosis. 在动脉粥样硬化的病理机制的研究中,内质网应激的作用越来越受到关注。
Progress on Pathomechanism and Pharmacotherapy of Obliterative Bronchiolitis ( OB) after Lung Transplantation 肺移植后闭塞性细支气管炎的病理机制和药物治疗
Experimental Model of Chronic Cervical Cord Compression and Primary Study on Pathomechanism of Chronic Compression 慢性颈脊髓压迫症实验模型的建立及慢性压迫伤损伤机制的初步研究
This article summarises the pathomechanism and etiologic factors of wind edema; 总结风水的病因病机;
The Study of the Changes of Free Radical and Pathomechanism in the Canine with Experimental Strangulated Intestinal Obstruction 犬实验性绞窄性肠梗阻自由基变化及病理学研究
I discuss the pathomechanism of jaundice separately from each original formula. 其中黄疸病病机的探讨,则将各个原方适应症病机,以个别论述的方式进行讨论;
The up grade animal model is suitable to estimate the pathomechanism and drug curative effect in vascular dementia. 研究表明经改良后的血管性痴呆大鼠模型是进行血管性痴呆病理机制及其药物疗效评价的理想动物模型。
The selective impairment might reflect the cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical disconnections in the pathomechanism of AD. 这种选择性损害反映了AD病理机制中皮质-皮质及皮质-皮质下联系的丢失;
Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia are the frequent types in gerontic dementia. They have different pathomechanism, clinical manifestation and treatment. 阿尔采默病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)和血管性痴呆(Vasculardementia,VD)是老年期痴呆最常见的两种类型,其发病机制、临床表现、治疗和预后均有所不同。
The immunohistochemical observation and pathomechanism study of multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化免疫组织化学观察及病理机制探讨
I explore the pathomechanism, the method of treatment, processing of medicinal herbs, preparation, the method of administration, diet taboos, the pharmacological of the herbs used for jaundice. 在讨论中则对于黄疸病病机、治法、药物炮制、剂型与服用法、饮食禁忌、治黄疸病所用药物药理进行了探讨。
Review one includes the relationship between insulin resistance and the pathomechanism of TCM or pattern identification which belongs to type two diabetes mellitus, hypertension and metabolic syndrome and the progress and problem of research on the improvement of insulin resistance by TCM. 综述1,包括IR与2型糖尿病、高血压病和代谢综合征的中医病机和辨证分型之间的关系、中医药改善IR的研究进展及存在的问题;
Applied this theory of pathomechanism that treat heat strangury ( non-gonococcal urethritis), testicular abscess ( the acute inflammation of the testes) and chronic prostatitis, which is based on the sores and the andrology clinic, all obtained better clinical effect. 在男科临床上应用该病机理论从疮疡论治热淋(非淋菌性尿道炎)、子痈(急性睾丸炎)和慢性前列腺炎,皆取得了较好的临床效果。
Conclusion: Shortening of telomere may be one of pathomechanism of spleen Qi deficiency syndrome. 结论:提示端粒长度缩短可能是脾气虚证的病理机制之一;
It introduced the definition, diagnostic criteria, epidemiological features, causes, etiology and pathomechanism, treatment and nursing care of patients with metabolic syndrome. 介绍了代谢综合征的定义、诊断标准、流行病学特点、病因与发病机制、治疗及护理。
The pathomechanism of abdominal pain includes mainly Cold Stagnation, Heat Concentration, Blood Stasis, Liver Depression, Indigestion, Parasite, and Inferiority of Yang. 腹痛病机主要有寒凝、热结、血瘀、肝郁、食积、虫扰、阳虚等七种。
Research on Anatomic Basis and Pathomechanism of Lumber Spinal Stenosis 腰椎管狭窄症的解剖学基础与病理机制研究
The Pathomechanism and Genotype-Phenotype Relationship in Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy 遗传包涵体肌病的病理机制研究及基因突变型-表现型分析
The article indicated that evil heat in heart and liver was one basic pathomechanism trait in anxiety Essential Hypertension ( EH). 研究认为伴有焦虑症状的原发性高血压病(EH),心肝热毒为其基本的病机特征。
Objective To reinforce the recognization of deltoid contracture in children and probe its causes, pathomechanism, diagnosis and treatments. 目的增强对儿童三角肌挛缩症的认识,探讨其病因、发病机制、诊断和治疗方法。
Therefore, the common pathomechanism of diabetic encephalopathy and AD was insulin resistance, which led to metabolic disturbance and caused cognitive dysfunction. 因此,认为胰岛素抵抗导致代谢紊乱和认知障碍是糖尿病和AD共同的病理机制。
Its pathomechanism is not yet elucidate at present. 其广泛因素参与的病理机制迄今尚未完全阐明。
Li Gao considered the liver qi possessed instinct of harmony and upgrade in the study of pathomechanism of stagnation syndrome. 在对郁证的病理机制研究中,李杲提出肝气具有舒畅上升的本性。
Cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury is a principal pathomechanism of cerebral infarction. 脑缺血再灌注损伤是脑梗后损伤的主要病理机制之一。
Results have shown that the NMR-based metabonomics approach provides a robust technical platform to study the pathomechanism on GDM, and will have broad application prospects in early diagnosis and individual therapy of GDM in the future. 基于NMR的代谢组学分析方法为探讨GDM的病理机制提供一个很好的技术平台,并将在GDM的早期诊断和个体化治疗等方面的研究具有广阔的应用前景。
Such kind of model is widely used in exploring the pathomechanism of RA, especially in screening new drugs or medications for purpose of inhibiting synovial hyperplasia and cartilage invasion. 该模型在RA滑膜增生的病理机制,特别是筛选以抑制滑膜增生和软骨侵蚀为目标的药物或治疗方法中得到广泛应用。
The first part is the theoretical study named The pathomechanism of urinary protein in chronic kidney disease. 第一部分为理论研究,首先综述了早期慢性肾脏病尿蛋白的病理机制。
The purpose and significance: Summing up the treatment experience of the ancient and modern medicine on infantile Recurrent Abdominal Pain ( RAP), reasoning the etiology, pathomechanism, and the rule of TCM syndromes. 目的和意义:总结小儿再发性腹痛的古今用药特点,推理本病的病因病机及证治规律。
It indicates that kidney-jing deficiency is the main pathomechanism of depression, in which other pathomechanisms and internal organs are also involved. 发现肾精亏虚是抑郁症的主要病机,但抑郁症也涉及其它的病机和脏腑。