The Study on the Correlation between Estrogen and Pathomechanisms of Osteoarthritis 雌激素与骨性关节炎发病机制关系的研究
Different pathomechanisms, for example, immune-mediated inflammation, oxidative stress and excitotoxicity, are involved in the immunopathology of MS. 多发性硬化症的免疫病理学的不同病理机制包括免疫介导炎症、氧化应激、兴奋毒等。
It indicates that kidney-jing deficiency is the main pathomechanism of depression, in which other pathomechanisms and internal organs are also involved. 发现肾精亏虚是抑郁症的主要病机,但抑郁症也涉及其它的病机和脏腑。