Two guards with sidearms patrolled the wall. 两名配枪警卫在城墙上巡逻。
Residents say that paramilitary soldiers have set up bunkers in areas of Peshawar close to the scene of military action and patrolled the streets in vehicles mounted with machine guns. 当地居民说,准军事人员在白沙瓦靠近清剿敌人军事行动的地带构筑了掩体,并乘坐车辆巡逻街道,车辆上配有机关枪。
Loudspeakers at police stations and military checkpoints played recordings of similar tunes throughout the day, as Iraqi military vehicles decorated with flowers and national flags patrolled the capital. 各警察站和检查站的扩音器里整天也播放着爱国旋律,伊拉克军车上则插着国旗和鲜花,在首都巡查。
For the first time, uniformed police officers patrolled inside the store in a bid to deter shoplifters, pickpockets and gangs, which have previously targeted the sales. 为了防止早就瞄上这次打折的商场扒手、小偷和犯罪团伙在今天犯案,一些身着制服的警察在商场内巡逻,这也是有史以来的第一次。
The waters here are patrolled by the enemy mariners day and night; 敌人的潜艇日日夜夜都在这一带海域巡逻。
Because it was illegal for settlers to own firearms, he had the job of hiding the family rifle when British troops patrolled the neighborhood. 由于法律规定定居点的居民不得持有武器,他的工作就是当英国部队在他们家附近巡逻时,将家里的步枪藏起来。
Palestinian police with assault rifles patrolled the streets but the atmosphere was calm. 佩戴攻击步枪的巴勒斯坦警察在街道上巡逻,不过,城市气氛平和。
Immense wooden barges patrolled its banks, exchanging cargos of teak and rice for gold, precious stones and imported goods from abroad. 巨大的木驳船在河的两岸巡行,用运载的柚木和稻米来交换黄金、宝石和从国外进口的商品。
Citizens watched for looters, and police patrolled throughout the city. 市民自行警戒防卫抢劫者,而警察在全市各处巡逻。
Of course, we helped Japan and South Korea rebuild, patrolled Asia's sea lanes to preserve freedom of navigation, promoted global shipping, and supported China's membership in the WTO. 我们帮助日本和韩国重建、在亚洲的海上航道巡逻以维护航行自由、促进了全球商品运输、并支持中国加入世界贸易组织。
We faced a two-day walk through open terrain patrolled by the enemy. 我们要在敌人巡逻的开阔地形上行军2天。
The frontier is patrolled by border guards. 国境上有边界哨兵巡逻。
The city of my childhood is now scarred by terrorism, its streets patrolled by soldiers. 我少年时代住过的这座城市如今受到恐怖主义的伤害,街道上有士兵在巡逻。
Tension remained high in Paris, as hundreds of police and soldiers patrolled airports and schools and tourist sites. 目前,巴黎局势依然十分紧张,成百上千的警察和士兵在机场、学校及各旅游景点来往巡逻。
Soldiers patrolled the castle ramparts. 士兵们在城堡城墒上巡逻。
We had a small contingent of Chinese soldiers that patrolled our grounds. 有一队中国士兵不时来我们的营地巡逻。
Soldiers carrying machine guns patrolled the streets in armoured jeeps. 握着机枪的士兵坐着装甲吉普车在街上巡逻。
This test summarizes a traditional patrolled check operate mode to the influence that cruises to check the performance quality. 本文总结了传统巡检工作方式对巡检工作质量的影响。
At the beach only swim in areas patrolled by lifesavers. 在沙滩上,只在有救生员巡逻的范围内游泳。
Passions ran high, but the protests were closely patrolled by police. 人们的激情迸发,但是抗议被警察紧紧的盯着。
They still patrolled beyond the perimeter. 他们仍然在环形防线外巡逻。
A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force. 管辖区城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻。
Tanks, armoured vehicles, trucks loaded with soldiers and police cars patrolled roads and broadcast appeals to residents not to linger outside, and to strive for peace and unity. 坦克、装甲车、满载着士兵的卡车和警车在街上巡逻,用扩音器呼吁市民不要在街上逗留,要为和平与团结而努力。
STANDING GUARD: An Israeli soldier, seen behind empty tear-gas grenades, patrolled during a demonstration against Israel's separation barrier in Nabi Saleh, West Bank, Friday. 站岗:一名以色列士兵,看到后面空催泪瓦斯手榴弹,在对以色列在彩蝶萨利赫,西岸,星期五隔离墙示范巡逻。
Guards patrolled the perimeter of the airfield. 卫兵沿机场四周巡逻。
But certainly Iraq was not about to invade the United States or even kuwait, where thousands of American and British troops have patrolled the border since the Gulf war. 但是,伊拉克无疑并不打算入侵美国或者甚至科威特,自从海湾战争开始,成千上万的美国和英国军队就一直驻扎在科威特。
In the north, and in some provinces along the eastern border patrolled by the Americans, security has improved. 北部和美国所巡视的东部边界的一些城市,安全已经有所改善。