ADJ-GRADED 自视高人一等的;屈尊俯就的 If someone is patronizing, they speak or behave towards you in a way that seems friendly, but which shows that they think they are superior to you.
The tone of the interview was unnecessarily patronizing. 面试官的口气让人觉得受了他多大恩惠似的,实在没有必要。
...his patronising attitude to the homeless. 他对无家可归者屈尊俯就的态度
The voice was patronizing and affected, the accent artificial. 声音拿腔拿调的,听上去矫揉造作。
It is counter-productive to address an interviewee in patronizing tones. 以盛气凌人的语气同面试者讲话将会适得其反。
Burke's response seemed a little patronizing, though he undoubtedly hadn't intended it that way 伯克的回答有点施恩与人的感觉,尽管他无疑并没有那个意思。
The tone of the interview was unnecessarily patronizing. 面试官的口气让人觉得受了他多大恩惠似的,实在没有必要。
The time was not long when Martin ceased patronizing the Japanese restaurants. 不久以后马丁就停止上日本料理了。
To avoid sounding patronizing, instructors of sex education in universities have adopted fun, interactive teaching methods. 为了避免口气听上去过于施惠于人,讲授大学性教育课程的老师们采用了有趣、互动式的教学方式。
Avoid any signs of criticisms or attack, and refrain from using language that is patronizing or condescending. 避免任何批评或抨击的痕迹,不要使用傲慢或有优越感的措辞。
Find out what the offense was before apologizing, or risk making things worse by coming off as patronizing. 找出自己究竟是什么地方冒犯了对方,不要盲目地道歉或者去以恩人的姿态自居。
Your sense of humor is easily misread as patronizing and clumsy. 你的幽默感很容易被解读为自傲和笨拙。
His five tall brothers gave him good-by with admiring but slightly patronizing smiles, for Gerald was the baby and the little one of a brawny family. 他的五位高个子兄弟羡慕而略带关注地微笑着向他道了声再见,因为杰拉尔德在强壮的一家人中是最小和最矮的一个。
Keep on getting your books for free by patronizing your local library. 上当地图书馆,免费借阅书籍。
Could you be any more patronizing? 你是要我领你的情吗?
You're patronizing me, and I will not be patronized. 你是在敷衍我,而我不想被人敷衍。
A communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient. 由于资助他人而显示出对接受者缺乏尊重。
His manner, if patronizing, was not unkind. 他的态度即使有点傲慢,也不能说是不和善。
Always keep smile and eye contact, but must not be overly patronizing. 始终保持笑容和目光交流,但是一定不能过于做作。
Instead of patronizing downtown stores, people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls outside the city and close to their home. 不再去光顾市区的商店,住在郊区的人们选择到远离市区的的离家近的大商场购物。
Some passengers often treat taxi driver with great patronizing disregard. 一些乘客常常以恩人自居的漠然对待出租车司机。
Where does she get off patronizing me like that? 她以为她是谁啊?竟然如此居高临下地跟我说话!
The Chinese court assumed an aloof and patronizing attitude toward these Westerners, keeping them confined ( limited) to the southern port cities of Macao and later, Canton. 中国朝廷对这些西方人采取的是冷漠和施恩的态度,把他们限制在南部的港口城市:澳门以及和后来的广州。
Her patronizing sarcasm made my blood boil. 她那屈尊俯就的嘲笑使我怒火中烧。
And the editor and the author work together to make sure we're not patronizing, that we're clear and accessible, that we have humor where appropriate. 编辑和作者携手合作,让我们的书读上去不像是在小看读者,而是追求清晰易懂,只在合适的地方来点幽默。
Stop patronizing me. you've been doing it all night. 不要赞助我,你整晚都那样做。
Don't be rude or patronizing. 不要言辞粗鲁或盛气凌人。
She was always patronizing the locals who were all very intelligent and hard-working. 她对当地人老是一副高人一头的样子,其实他们全都既有才智又勤奋。
People will feel like you're just patronizing them. 人们会以为你在施舍他们。
The trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior. 对下级表现出的恩人般的傲慢态度。
When people give you that patronizing look, wink at'em. 当人们注目你的时候,朝他们眨眨眼睛。
The mocking and dismissive tone of the "Beautiful Me" screed was disgusting, especially since the author didn't even consider how patronizing it was. 所显露出的嘲笑和蔑视的确很恶心,特别是作者从不考虑到这是多么自以为是。
But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. 但是,千万不要说他是伟大的人类导师这类的废话(这样说,你还以为是对他的抬举)。