Costs rapidly escalated, and the potential "pay-off" for alloy development was diminishing. 费用增加,而用于合金发展的经费来源却反而减少。
Companies that pay bribes actually end up spending more time negotiating with bureaucrats since the hopes of a pay-off give officials an incentive to haggle over regulations. 事实上,行贿公司最终要耗费更多的时间同官僚机构进行协商,因为有希望捞到油水,政府官员更有动力就监管问题讨价还价。
60. The methodology suggested may not guarantee ultimate success, but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort. 提出的方法不一定保证最终的成功,但最后的结果非常值得付出努力。
Alexander Ng of McKinsey says the pay-off could take longer than usual for a private equity fund. 麦肯锡的AlexanderNg表示,私人股本基金想获得成功要比平常花费更长时间。
However, the scientific pay-off from the programme has been less obvious. 然而,该航天计划的科学成果并非特别明显。
We try to assess what is the likely pay-off. 我们会评价有哪些可能的回报。
Loved, and so long as the pay-off, heaven's laughter is not legend. 只要爱过等过付出过,天堂里的笑声就不是传说。
But it is time to set some targets on the pay-off between glad-handing and income. 但是时候在讨好客户和赚钱之间设定成本收益目标了。
The exceptions in the modern world to the representative polity as a prerequisite to economic growth suggest the high pay-off to be derived from modeling the political process in third world countries. 现代世界中的例外,代议制政体作为经济增长的先决条件表明:模型化第三世界的政治过程将带来高收益。
After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off? 经过这么多个月的斟酌,结果就是这些平淡的话语吗?
Collective productivity improvement through human capital development among small businesses has an unimaginably large, and undervalued pay-off. 小企业通过人力资本开发提高集体生产率,其中的益处大到难以想象,并且被低估了。
Humans, however, show a third sort of altruism& one that has no obvious pay-off. 但是人类却表现出了第三种利他主义&一种不会有什么赢利的利他主义。
This can be represented schematically by a series of springs and parallel dashpots. A particular patented designed spring unit with each pay-off can reduce the resistance and instability. 这种模拟可以粗略地用一组弹簧和并联的缓冲器来表示。每个放线架上专门设计了一个弹簧机构以缓冲放线过程中的阻力和不稳定性(专有技术)。
However the immediate pay-off enjoyed by MBA graduates from top US schools is harder to achieve in Asia. 不过,美国顶尖商学院的mba毕业生所享有的那种立竿见影回报,在亚洲实现起来困难得多。
Mathematical model research of the control system based on XSP pay-off and take-up device XSP收排线机控制系统数学模型的研究
The company eventually asked her to leave, offering her a small pay-off. 最终,这家公司要求她辞职,支付给她一小笔遣散费。
In a Nash equilibrium ( NE), no player can increase her pay-off by unilaterally changing her strategy. 在纳什均衡(NE)中,没有人单独改变自己的策略可以增大自己获得的利益。
Adopting a constant tension pay-off with air pressure damp for each bobbin to ensure the product quality. 每盘均为气压阻尼恒张力放线,产品质量得以可靠保证。
I've still got an important pay-off to make. 不过还有一件很重要的事没作。
The asymmetric pay-off is an affront to morals and ethics. 不对称的回报违反了道德和伦理。
His formula allows a gambler to determine the optimal bet size if the gambler can estimate the odds of winning the bet and the pay-off for winning compared with the penalty for losing. 根据他的公式,如果一位赌徒能够估算出获胜的几率以及获胜的回报和失败的损失,这位赌徒就能决定最佳下注额。
The social and economic costs and benefits of such a move can be debated. But there is likely to be an indirect foreign-policy pay-off for the US. 此举在社会和经济上的成本与效益有待商榷,但有可能间接地对美国外交政策产生有利影响。
Lots of little efforts have a large pay-off. 许多小努力将会有大的回报。
Investing in stronger surveillance and preparedness has a high pay-off and can be thought of as low-cost insurance, experts say. 专家们表示,投资建立更有效的监测和应急准备系统具有很高的回报,而且可以被视为一种低成本保险。
Pigment rich with intense colour pay-off. No-shine, all matte finish. 富含色素,色彩浓烈富含天然颜料的浓烈颜色。不带亮片,完全为哑光质感。
The main advantage of margin debt is that you control the timing of the debt pay-off. 保证金负债的主要好处是,你可以控制清偿负债的时间。
That is strategic espionage. Targeted acts of sabotage disrupt, but the real pay-off comes from identifying the human and technical links in the chain of command. 这是战略性的谍报活动,目标是破坏和干扰,但真正的收益在于识别指挥链中的人员与技术联系。
But when you do, important to be very sure that the pay-off is very big. 但一旦决定,很重要的一点是要确保,回报很大。
And he adds that the pay-off would be more than a matter of simply verifying the claim. 这个成果不只是简单地证明这一声称的问题。