Greece is a peacemaking, stabilizing force in the area. 希腊是该地区调解冲突、稳定局势的一支力量。
At four o'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman, said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter. 那么,四点钟的时候,这位息事宁人的先生就要来啦,班纳特先生一边把信折好,一边说。
She said: I know there are many challenges ahead and peacemaking is not always an easy task. 她说:我知道未来还有很多挑战,维护和平并非易事。
Clinton was in Israel and the West Bank earlier this week where she discussed Turkey's role in Middle East peacemaking. 上星期早些时候,克林顿访问了以色列和西岸地区。她在那里讨论了土耳其在中东和平努力中所起的作用。
It is fair to say that Egypt's dogged support for regional peacemaking has been crucial to sustaining a modicum of civility in the Middle East, despite backsliding by nearly everyone else. 公平地说,尽管各方的态度几乎都在倒退,但没有撕破脸皮而大打出手与埃及对地区和平的不懈努力是分不开的。
Lopsided victories, like the ones Israel won in1948 and1967, can leave a residue of hubris on one side and shattered pride on the other that block peacemaking for decades. 压倒性胜利往往留有后遗症,胜者妄自尊大,负者谚面无存,而失败者破碎的尊严会阻碍和平进程几十年之久,以色列在1948年和1967年赢取的两场战争无不如此。
Case Handbook on Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy 建立和平和预防性外交实例手册
Fellowship Programme in Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy 建立和平和预防性外交研究金方案
Mr Obama has made mistakes but just as it was too soon for the Nobel committee to reward his peacemaking, it is too early to be disappointed by his presidency. 奥巴马的确犯了错误,但就像诺贝尔委员会授予他和平奖为时过早一样,对他的总统任期表示失望也言之尚早。
Trust fund in support of special missions and other activities related to preventive diplomacy and peacemaking; 支助特派团及其他预防性外交和建立和平活动信托基金;
Yes: but making peace will take courage, and too much of the energy that should have gone into peacemaking has been squandered on the blame game. 答案是肯定的:但是讲和将需要勇气,而且太多本应该用于和谈的力量却被白白浪费在互相指责的游戏中。
Mr Tyler may also be a little too fond of glib judgments: Mr Clinton's peacemaking failed because he lacked the necessary "unwavering principle, and political discipline"; 泰勒先生也许是太喜欢无拘束的下判断:克林顿先生的和平行动的失败是因为他缺乏必要的“坚定的原则和政治的磨练”;
To some extent she has taken the role by default, as America has stepped back from peacemaking. 从某种程度上说,她充当了默认角色,因为美国回归到和平主导的政策。
More recently South Africa's foreign minister has accused France of scuppering the AU's Libyan peacemaking efforts. 最近南非外交官也谴责法国组织非盟落实其在利比亚的和平进程。
Under-Secretary-General for special assignments in support of the secretary-general's preventive and peacemaking efforts; 主管支助秘书长预防性和建立和平努力特别任务副秘书长;
Identifying credible peacemaking spin-offs may make people more willing to invest in these projects. 令人们相信环保合作缔造和平有益无害将促使人们更自觉自愿对这些项目进行投资。
Agenda for peace: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping 和平纲领:预防外交、建立和平与维持和平
I sincerely wish that the United Nations could dispatch peacemaking troops to stop the wars there and that the entrepreneurs of the USA and China would go and run factories and schools there. 我真诚的希望联合国能派出维护和平的部队,制止那里的战争,希望美国和中国的企业家到那里开工厂办学校。
The economic incentives surrounding natural resources, in particular, are often seen as prolonging wars, obstructing peacemaking and holding back social progress. 尤其是围绕自然资源的经济诱因,往往被视为延长战事,阻碍调停和社会进步。
Despite these problems, the value of ENVSEC lies precisely in its practical application, which serves to reveal the complexity of environmental peacemaking on a daily basis. 尽管如此,这一改革的价值在实践运用中仍然得到了体现,显示了通过环境缔造和平的复杂性。
So we created the Rotary Centers to ensure that for generations to come, we can give the world effective instruments of peace, individuals educated in the ideals of Rotary and in peacemaking. 因此我们成立这些扶轮中心来确保在未来的世代里,我们将给予这个世界有效的和平工具&深知扶轮理想与如何缔造和平的人才。
Rotarian peacemaking activities have been further encouraged by the RI board, which designated February as world understanding month and23 February as world understanding and peace day. 国际扶轮理事会指定二月为世界解月及2月23日为世界解与和平日时,业已进一步鼓励扶轮社员调解运动。
This joint effort underpinned the hopeful peacemaking of the1990s, subsequently wrecked by Israeli settlement and paranoia, Palestinian disunity and terrorism, and American timidity and myopia. 这种双管齐下的努力为上世纪90年代充满希望的和平谈判奠定了基调,随后和平进程毁于以色列的定居点政策和疑神疑鬼的心态,毁于巴勒斯坦的分裂和恐怖主义,毁于美国短视的政策与行动上的谨小慎微。
To these problems, UN should take following measures to prevent conflict combine with peacekeeping and peacemaking. 针对这些问题,联合国应该采取下列应对措施:把预防冲突、维持和平与建立和平结合起来;