A pale, delicate, effeminate boy, who might have been taken for my master's younger brother, so strong was the resemblance: but there was a sickly peevishness in his aspect, that Edgar Linton never had. 一个苍白的、娇滴滴的、柔弱的男孩子,简直可以当我主人的小弟弟:两个人是这么相像:可是在他的相貌上有一种病态的乖僻,那是埃德加林惇从来没有的。
Timid people always wreak their peevishness on the gentle. 怯懦的人总是把满腹牢骚向温和的人发泄。
Be gentle In old age; peevishness are worse In second childhood than In first. 老来要和蔼;第二幼年期的乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期。