The book is witty and peppered with good one-liners. 这本书诙谐幽默,妙语趣话随处可见。
He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel 他两条腿都挂彩了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。
Suddenly the garden was peppered with pellets. 突然间花园遭到扫射。
While her English was correct, it was peppered with French phrases 她的英语语法上没错,但是里面夹杂着很多法语短语。
Outside, the road was peppered with glass 屋外,马路上尽是些玻璃碴。
Yachts peppered the tranquil waters of Botafogo Bay. 博塔福古湾宁静的水面上挤满了游艇。
Since then, he has peppered my in-box with comments about women in the workplace. 从那以后,他对职业女性的评价就接二连三地出现在我的收件箱里。
Soon, he was being peppered with questions from online viewers: What was it like? 很快,网络观众就向他提出了一系列问题:朝鲜是个怎么样的国家?
She looked out, and the night was peppered with stars. 她往外看,夜空里洒满了星星。
This page is peppered with exclamations. 这页充满了惊叹号。
Assuming that the universe is peppered with these planets. 假定宇宙中布满了这些行星。
Two more ships came along and peppered the hills until we'd passed. 又有两艘船开过来,向山上连续猛轰,直到我们通过那儿为止。
The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
My first few months here were peppered with people telling me I should have been here in the 1980s, the 1990s or, in some neighbourhoods of Brooklyn, even just last year. 我刚来这儿的头几个月里,不断有人告诉我:我应该在上世纪80年代来,或是90年代来,或是住在布鲁克林(brooklyn)的邻近地区,或是去年来也好。
Members of the city council peppered Mr Johnson with questions about the details of his plan. 市议员对约翰逊先生的计划的细节问个不停。
I've been peppered pretty well myself. 我已做好了充分的准备。
We peppered them with bullets. 我们向他们猛烈射击。
Now, with the clean air brought by anti-pollution legislation, British peppered moths are once again peppered. 而如今反污染的立法带来了干净的空气,桦尺蠖再一次“白桦”了。
His blog is peppered with comments such as selling anything is fine but selling out the country is wrong! 他的博客上密密麻麻地写满了评论,例如卖什么都可以,但卖国不行!
The soup was heavily peppered and spiced. 汤里加了许多胡椒粉和香料。
Zhou peppered me with questions about European politics, policies, and personalities. 周就欧洲的政治、政策和人物向我提出不少问题。
Lots of morning tea, lunch and drinks peppered the day. 大量的早茶,午餐和饮料胡椒的一天。
Her writing was peppered with quotations from the koran. 她写的东西里满是古兰经的引文。
He peppered the soup. 他在汤里加了辣椒粉。
They said they were peppered with shotgun pellets as they walked in the forest. 他们说在森林行走时遭到了猎枪铅弹的连续射击。
A paragraph peppered with unfamiliar words and familiar words used in unfamiliar ways can be intimidating. 一段文字,点缀着一些生僻词,或者一些以我们不熟悉的方式使用的常用词,是会吓人的。
The wall had been peppered with bullets. mark with a spot or spots. 墙上有密集的子弹痕迹。
Drinking superbly now, with peppered steaks, parmesan or shepherd's pie. 和牛排,意大利干酪和馅饼搭配甚佳。
The bees peppered him with stings. 蜜蜂将他螫得浑身是伤。
I have given speeches and Table Topics presentations peppered with plenty of ums, ahs and you knows. 我发表演讲及即席问答,夹杂著够多的嗯、阿、你知道。