ADJ-GRADED 不固定的;经常出差的;流动的 If someone has a peripatetic life or career, they travel around a lot, living or working in places for short periods of time.
Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence. 她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。
...a hectic, peripatetic life full of people and parties. 整天疲于周旋、忙于应酬的紧张生活
Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence. 她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。
But now international interest in London property is no longer the preserve of a handful of peripatetic tycoons. 但是,现在国际上对伦敦地产的兴趣,已不再局限于少数到处游走的大亨。
The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle, so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him. 这位逍遥自在的大情人喜欢骑著单车趴趴走,所以这几个年轻制片者们也买了双座脚踏车与他片刻不离。
Mr Kindler says he relishes the peripatetic management style. 金德勒表示,他喜欢到处走动的管理风格。
In philosophy, an Arab Peripatetic school characteristic of the Greek culture came in the Muslim academic system. 在哲学领域,一种具有希腊文化色彩的阿拉伯逍遥派哲学便出现在穆斯林的学术体系中。
Many schools can only afford to employ peripatetic music teachers. 许多学校只能雇得起流动的音乐教师。
They represent a tradition initiated by the Jesuit Peripatetic Mission in the17th and18th centuries, continued and enriched by the Franciscans during the19th century and still prevailing today. 它们所代表的建筑传统,肇始于17、18世纪的耶稣会布道团,在19世纪的圣芳济会的以继续并发扬,并流行到今天。
Some hope that Obama's mixed parentage and peripatetic childhood have made him more sympathetic to other cultures. 有人寄望奥巴马混血的出身和孩童时代的游历能让他对其他文化有更多的同情。
Most reassuring of all is that these cosmopolitan nomads hope to replicate as adults the peripatetic experience they had as children. 其中最令人宽慰的是,这些世界游民希望长大后重复儿童时代那种在世界游走的经历。
I began my peripatetic existence, working more and more away from home. 我开始了浪迹天涯的生活,在离家越来越远的地方工作。
Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly. 兼职音乐教师定期到校授课。
Instead, her peripatetic childhood and adolescence steered her back to Madrid and a then-novel degree in European Community law, the final year of which took her to Germany, her country of birth. 相反,她四处旅行的童年和青少年时代将她带回了马德里,并获得了当时十分新颖的欧共体法律(europeancommunitylaw)学位,学业的最后一年她回到了自己的出生地德国。
It will be an extraordinary victory for a novice senator born outside the continental United States who grew up with an absentee father and a peripatetic mother. 对这位资历很浅的参议员来说,这将是一个非凡的胜利。他没有出生在美国本土,他在单亲家庭中长大,没有父亲在身边,陪伴他的母亲总是到处兼职教课。
Free Peripatetic Naughty old Man: Review of Zhou Bo-Tong, a Character of Jin Yong's Novel 逍遥自在老顽童&评析金庸小说人物周伯通
For freedom and love, humanity struggle very difficultly, not to mention that treason has never been an easy thing. D, peripatetic and searcher who laugh at life. 为了自由,为了爱,人类前仆后继,步履维艰,何况叛逆本就不是一条坦途。四笑对人生的逍遥者和找寻者。
Unfortunately, in the mainland films, the situation that men are weaker than women still exist popularly, although no lack of the traitors, the searchers, and the peripatetic, but most of them are weak losers or the mutilated father. 遗憾的是,在大陆电影中阴盛阳衰的格局依然存在,男性群像中不乏绵里藏针的叛逆者,笑傲尘世的逍遥者,但更多的却是软弱的迷失者和父性残缺的末路鬼。