法利赛人(严守律法的古犹太教派成员) a member of an ancient Jewish group who followed religious laws and teaching very strictly
自诩圣洁者;自恃清高者;伪善者 a person who is very proud of the fact that they have high religious and moral standards, but who does not care enough about other people
38But the Pharisee, noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal, was surprised. 这法利赛人看见耶稣饭前不洗手便诧异。
Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; 我第八天受割礼,我是以色列族,便雅悯支派的人,是希伯来人所生的希伯来人。就律法说,我是法利赛人。
39When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself," If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is& that she is a sinner. " 请耶稣的法利赛人看见这事,心里说:“这人若是先知,必知道摸他的是谁,是个怎样的女人,乃是个罪人。”
36Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 有一个法利赛人请耶稣和他吃饭,耶稣就到法利赛人家里去坐席。
One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. 安息日,耶稣到一个法利赛人的首领家里去吃饭,他们就窥探他。
37When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. 说话的时候,有一个法利赛人请耶稣同他吃饭,耶稣就进去坐席。
But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. 但有一个法利赛人,名叫迦玛列,是众百性所敬重的教法师,在公会中站起来,吩咐人把使徒暂且带到外面去。
Have you noticed in the synoptic Gospels the characters sometimes are just a tax collector, a sinner, a Pharisee, a Syrophoenician woman, a Centurion who had a slave? 你注意过没有,在符类福音中,人物有时就是一个收税官,一个罪人,一个法利赛人,一个希利尼妇人,一个有奴隶的罗马百人队长?
Are you a prodigal, a pharisee or a servant? 你是浪子,是法利赛人还是仆人?
However, the contrast behavior between a self-righteous Pharisee and the repentant sinner became the topic of Jesus'teaching. 然而,对比自以为是的法利赛人和悔改的罪妇两者之间的举止态度,却成了耶稣教导的主题。
[ bbe] You blind Pharisee, first make clean the inside of the cup and of the plate, so that the outside may become equally clean. 你这瞎眼的法利赛人、先洗净杯盘的里面、好叫外面也乾净了。
Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and the dish so that their outside also may become clean. 26瞎眼的法利赛人,你先洁净杯盘的里面,好叫外面也干净了。
Simon the cold heart was a Pharisee. 西门是一个心硬的法利赛人。
Pharisee – A legalistic and separatistic group who believed God's grace only extended to those who strictly kept the Law of Moses. 法力赛人-一个严守规条且分别的团体,他们相信神的恩典只会临到那些恪守摩西律法的人。
Lk. 11:38 But the Pharisee, seeing it, marveled that He had not first washed before the meal. 路十一38这法利赛人看见耶稣饭前不先洗手,就希奇。
What did the contrasting actions between the woman and the Pharisee show? 妇人跟法利赛人行为的鲜明对比说明了什么?
In contrast to the hospitality of the Pharisee, this woman was a disgrace. 这名罪妇的耻辱和殷勤招待耶稣的法利赛人形成了强烈的对比。
Unfortunately, the Pharisee was so much clinging to the rules and regulations of clean and unclean, he could not understand God's love and mercy outside of and beyond the rules and regulations. 令人遗憾的,那位法利赛人太过于坚持遵守洁净与不洁净的律法及规章,他不能理解天主的爱和仁慈怜悯是超越律法及规章之外的。
Are you really a Christian or a pharisee? 请问您真是基督徒吗?还是一个法利赛人?
In today Gospel's message, Jesus was invited to come and dine at one of the Pharisee's house, and there suddenly appeared a sinful woman at Jesus'feet. 在今天的福音讯息里头,耶稣被邀请到一位法利赛人的家中用餐,那时候突然有一位罪妇出现在耶稣跟前。
Jesus also saw the contrast between a self-righteous Pharisee who showed no love to him and a forgiven sinner who showed that she loved him much. 耶稣又见到法利赛人和妇人的分别,前者是一个自以为义和对耶稣没有表示任何爱的法利赛人,后者是一个极爱耶稣和蒙赦免的罪人。
Paul was brought up a Pharisee and had been a member of the Jewish council called the Sanhedrin. 保罗自幼在法利赛教派的影响下长大,并且是被称作公会的犹太立法议会的成员之一。
Are you the self-righteous pharisee, no longer capable of rejoicing when a sinner returns to God? 你是自以为是的法利赛人,不再欣喜当一个罪人回归上帝的能力?
With this as background, we can understand some details of the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. 经由这样的背景,我们再看法利赛人和酒馆老板的寓言故事,便可以弄懂一些细节。
The Pharisee knew what he saw, and he was glad she wasn't touching him. 那法利赛人知道他看见甚麽,他暗地庆幸这妇人没有摸他;
How did this sinful woman get through the gate and into the home of the Pharisee and appeared at the table was not an important issue. 这位在用餐时刻出现的罪妇,她如何通过大门进入法利赛人的家,并不是重要的问题。
Jews don't think of the word Pharisee as being a bad term, but in a lot of English, and a lot of languages it is because Christians used it. 犹太人不认为法利赛人是不好的词,但在英语里,在很多语言里,它含贬义,因为基督教徒使用了这个词。
The Pharisee knew what he saw-a sinful woman touching Jesus. 那法利赛人知道他见到甚麽&一个犯了罪的妇人在摸耶稣。