Bosom of bazoo of palpebral plastics, grand, grand, model suction fat, change face art to wait, even if is same and phyletic plastic, also have a few kinds of different art type. 眼睑整形、隆鼻、隆胸、吸脂塑型、改脸型术等,即便同一种类整形,也有几种不同的术式。
Study on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Phyletic Resource and Diversity of Several Xerophil in the Inner Mongolia West 内蒙古西部区几种荒漠植物丛枝菌根种质资源和多样性研究
If the room uses bright-coloured coating to brush, get multicoloured, the phyletic more of heavy metal, content taller, pollution is more serious also. 假如房间用鲜艳的涂料刷得五颜六色,重金属的种类更多、含量更高、污染也更严重。
Student community, phyletic, dozens of people foremost thousand community members. 学生社团种类繁多,社团成员几十人至上千人不等。
Answer: estate registers phyletic cent to be initiative register, move is registered, guaranty is registered, change is registered and other is registered. 答:房地产登记种类分为初始登记、转移登记、抵押登记、变更登记和其它登记。
Objective To analyze the genomic structure, phyletic evolution and mutation rules of human bocavirus. 目的对人类博卡病毒的基因组结构、系统进化以及突变规律进行分析。
Road passenger transport system, which is influenced by phyletic and complex factors, is a multi-level and multi-objective synthesis system. 道路客运系统是一个多层次、多目标的综合体系,影响其发展能力的因素更是种类繁多,错综复杂。
Distribution throughout the meteorological data format, phyletic, complex storage ways each are not identical, the conventional method of document management can provide effective demand user-oriented search and processing. 分布在全国各地的气象数据种类繁多、格式复杂、存储方式各不相同,常规的文档管理方法无法面向用户需求提供有效的检索和处理。
Generally, the enterprise phyletic and various departments materials with frequent. 一般企业物资的种类繁多,各部门物资来往频繁。