The positive samples were reexamined and then confirmed by PCR and phylogenetic analysis. 阳性者进行双孔复检,仍阳性者采用PCR法进行确证及系统发生树分析。
Therefore, the results of molecular phylogenetic analysis support the morphological results in genus Polyura. 这些分子系统学的结果均与形态学的结果相一致,是对形态分类的有力支持。
We identified several types of cyclin genes in the rice genome and characterized them by phylogenetic, tandem and segmental duplications analyses. 我们从水稻基因组中鉴定出了几种类型的细胞周期蛋白基因,并通过系统发生和随机片段重复对它们进行了描述。
These data support prior phylogenetic studies suggesting that the1918 virus was derived from an avian source ( 11). 这些数据都支持了先前的系统研究关于1918流感病毒来源于禽类的论断。
The researches are focus on comparison of the animal genes or genomes evolution for revealing phylogenetic relationships among lineages using the molecular biotechnique and bioinformatics method. 内容、特色、意义运用分子生物学技术和生物信息学分析方法,比较研究动物基因、基因组的演化,揭示动物类群的进化和系统生物学关系。
But with poorly studied groups, even modest phylogenetic analysis can reveal remarkable insights. 但研究较少的类群,甚至适度的系统分析能够显示显著的效果。
A phylogenetic classification of species. 按演化发展对物种进行的分类。
The phylogenetic relationships among all taxa within the Acrididae ( Orthoptera: Acridoidea) were largely unknown until now. 迄今,蝗科内各分类阶元之间的系统发生关系大部分是未知的。
Today, molecular data, which includes protein and DNA sequences, are used to construct phylogenetic trees. 今天,包括蛋白质和DNA序列的分子数据被用于构建系统进化树。
The citrus phylogenetic relationship and classification were discussed according to the cladistic relationship. 根据分支关系,讨论了柑桔属植物系统演化关系及分类问题。
Phylogenetic development of the sensory structures of tingid insects are investigated and some proposals are made. 对网蝽科昆虫体表感觉器官的发生发展、系统演化作了探讨性分析并提出了见解。
Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the partial 16S rRNA in Eperythrozoon ovis 绵羊附红细胞体部分16SRRNA基因序列测定和系统进化分析
Sequence Analysis and Phylogenetic Relationships of 11 Mite Isolates Based on ITS-2 Gene 11株螨虫分离株的ITS-2序列分析与系统关系研究
It is the first resource to provide phylogenetic trees of viral species computed using whole-genome sequence data. 它是提供使用全部基因组序列数据计算病毒物种系统发生树的第一个资源。
Phylogenetic Relationship of Ramie and Its Wild Relatives Based on Cytogenetics and DNA Sequences 基于细胞学和DNA序列的苎麻与其野生近缘类群系统关系研究
Phylogenetic tree showed that the members of GT61 family are related across genera. 系统进化树分析表明GT61家族成员在不同种属间是相关的。
The present report presents molecular and phylogenetic analysis performed on SIV in Thailand. 最新的一份报道泰国对猪流感病毒采用分子和系统进化分析法分析。
Development of Apple EST-SSR Primers and Phylogenetic Analysis of Part Cultivars 苹果EST-SSR引物的开发及部分品种亲缘关系分析
It also provides integrated post-processing of FASTA output, including compositional analysis of proteins, multiple sequences alignment, and phylogenetic analysis. 它也提供了整合的FASTA输出的后处理,包括蛋白质组成分析,多重序列比对,和系统发生分析。
Moreover, the history of evolution should give us some clues regarding phylogenetic emergence of behavior. 此外,演化史应能提供我们一些有关行为在种属发生上的线索。
It meant the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of human adult behaviour. 它意指成年人行为的系统发育与个体发育的发展。
Taxonomic and Molecular Phylogenetic Studies on the Basidiomycetous Yeasts from China; relating to or characterized by basidia. 中国担子菌酵母的分类与分子系统学研究有关或具有担子(菌)特征。
This paper not only gives the progress and findings in the researches on genetic diversity and phylogeny of gorgonian, but also a simple discussion of the phylogenetic relationship of anthozoa. 本文在重点介绍了柳珊瑚种群遗传多样性和柳珊瑚种上阶元系统发育学两方面的研究进展和所取得研究成果的同时,也讨论了珊瑚虫纲的系统发生关系。
The structure and functions of the protein were analyzed by bioinformatics method, and the phylogenetic tree of the protein was drawn. 然后用生物信息学方法对其结构域和功能作用位点进行分析和预测,并绘制该蛋白的进化树。
MtDNA diversity and phylogenetic analysis of Guangdong domestic gooses 广东省家鹅mtDNA多样性及系统进化分析
The phylogenetic tree revealed no obvious geographical pattern for the prevalence and distribution of the haplotypes. 各地理种群中的单倍型在系统发生树上散布在不同的分布群中,缺乏明显的地理分布格局。
Phylogenetic analysis has been used to study the evolutionary relationship among DNA and protein sequences of various organisms extensively. 系统发生分析被广泛应用于研究不同生物DNA、蛋白质序列的进化关系。
A model and an algorithm were provided for constructing phylogenetic tree based on the principle of maximum likelihood estimate. 利用最大似然估计原理,给出了构建系统发生树的模型和算法。