The problem with this practice is that loading the test and dev environments with production data exposes the test and development areas to personally identifiable information ( PII) such as Social Security numbers and dates of birth. 这种实践的问题是,如果在测试和开发环境中加载生产数据,则会在测试和开发区域中暴露社会安全号码和出生日期等个人身份信息(PII)。
The privacy policy type contains several common categories of PII, including credit card number, social security number, random number, and so on. 隐私策略类型包含PII的几个常见类别,包括信用卡号、社会保险号和随机号码等。
The IT security team needs to help build scripts that will sanitize the PII before it enters the test and development environments. IT安全团队需要帮助构建脚本,在数据进入测试和开发环境之前将净化PII。
For classification, Tom can specify whether the particular atom domain represents Personally Identifiable Information ( PII) or confidential information. 为了进行分类,Tom可以指定特定的原子域是否表示PersonallyIdentifiableInformation(PII)或机密信息。
IT staff are also challenged to protect confidential data and personally identifiable information(" PII") like bank account numbers and national identifiers. IT职员还需要保护私密数据和个人信息(比如银行账号和身份证号),这是一个挑战。
XCP Bandwidth Compensation Algorithm Based on PII Controller 基于PII控制器的XCP带宽补偿算法
These risks may also collect and transmit personally identifiable information ( PII) without your consent and severely degrade the performance and stability of your computer. 这些风险也可以收集和传送个人识别资料(有价证券投资)未经你的同意,严重退化的性能和稳定性,您的计算机。
As MRPII implement in non-discrete manufacturing, more attention is paid to the suitability of MRPII to non-discrete manufacturing. MRPII在实施于非离散制造业时,人们十分关注它的适用性问题。
This method eliminates the clustering problem in linear rehashing by picking the integer pii in a pseudorandom fashion. 这种方法是按伪随机方式去挑选整数pii,它能消除线性再散列中所产生的堆聚问题。
All the computer programs for this dissertation have been compiled in VC++ 6.0 and debugged in PII computer. 本文的计算程序全部采用VC++6.0编制,并在PⅡ机上调试通过。
The primary irritation index ( PII) was worked out after observing at the rated point by subcutaneous injection into the back of animal. 通过在动物背部皮内注射材料浸提液,在规定时相点观察并计算其刺激指数(PII)。
A new design method of digital PII robust adjusting controller for a general process control system with large time varying time delay is developed by studying its properties. 通过分析典型大时变时滞工业过程的特性,提出了一种新的数字PII鲁棒调节控制器的设计方法。
Be different from the PI, PII and pilus, the PIII that expressed only one type in all Neisseria gonorrhoea shows very high conservative. 与PI、PII和菌毛不一样,PIII表现出非常高的保守性,所有的淋病奈瑟菌都只表达同一型别的PIII。
The outer membrane protein includes PI, PII and PIII. 外膜蛋白包括PI、PII、和PIII。