Staff were pilfering behind the bar 店员在柜台后有些小偷小摸的行为。
When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market. 食品店关门后,他们就行动起来,偷食品拿到黑市上出售。
HP was forced to fire the new employee, report the incident to IBM and federal agents, and cooperate with a multi-year federal investigation and prosecution of the pilfering employee. 惠普公司被迫解雇了该员工,并将此事通报给了IBM和联邦调查局,而且还得协助美国政府进行长达数年的联邦调查,并最终起诉该名偷窃IBM商业机密的员工。
She's lost several jobs for pilfering food, and has even resorted to shoplifting. 因为偷吃她已经丢掉了多份工作,甚至还在商店盗窃。
The European Central Bank said on Thursday that anonymous hackers had breached the security of its public website database, pilfering the emails and contact details of people registered at the bank. 周四该行表示,匿名黑客攻破了该行公开的外部网站的数据库,窃取了该行网站上注册者的电子邮件和联络人的细节信息。
There is remarkably little pilfering. 这里极少有小偷小摸的事儿。
CCTV operators can detect events as they happen in cases such as congestion, pilfering, abandoned cars, and wrong-direction movement through checkpoints. CCTV操作员能侦测到突发事件,例如:交通堵塞,偷窃,废弃车和通过检查站时的错误行驶方向。
Pilfering has stopped entirely since they put Angus in charge of the stores. 自从他们让安格斯掌管商店以来,小偷小摸就杜绝了。
Generally speaking, they didn't care about what things are important for you when pilfering, but they just mind what they need, even if your possessions do not useful for them. 一般来说,小偷在偷东西的时候,从不乎什么对你是重要的,他们只在乎他们想要的,即使你的东西对他可能没有用,但他还是会拿走。
She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months. 她多月来一直从零用现金中偷钱。
They sent him to a store that was struggling because of pilfering and poor service. 他们把他派到一家因为偷窃和服务质量差而陷入困境的分店。
We still encounter case of pilfering, eyewash and bureaucratism. 我们还会发现小偷小摸、吹牛拍马以及官僚主义的种种现象。
Al-Shabab militants are notorious for their hostility toward western aid agencies and have been known to kidnap and even kill aid workers, while pilfering humanitarian supplies for their own use. 青年党激进分子恶名远播,这是因为他们对西方救援机构怀有敌意,绑架甚至杀害救援人员,同时还盗取救援物质供自己使用。
Someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses. 住在码头附近靠从船上或仓库里偷东西生活的人。