Soldiers went on a rampage, pillaging stores and shooting. 士兵们横冲直撞,洗劫商店并且开枪射击。
The longer the pillaging of the French lasted, the more complete was the destruction of the wealth of Moscow and of the forces of the pillagers. 法国人的抢劫持续的时间越久,莫斯科的财富遭受的破坏就越严重,抢劫者的力量也就损失得越多。
On entering the ruined city, and finding it pillaged, the Russians fell to pillaging it too. 进入被破坏了的莫斯科的俄国人,发现莫斯科已被洗劫之后,他们也开始抢劫起来。
They would capture and enslave women and young men while pillaging Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Slavic settlements. 当他们入侵了盎格鲁-撒克逊人(生活在大不列颠东部、南部)、凯尔特人或者斯拉夫人的居住地之后,会抓住当地的女人和年轻男人作为奴隶。
Mobile virus writers also rely on social engineering by labeling malware as anti-virus updates, games, or popular utilities, or by pillaging address books to make infected files appear to come from an acquaintance. 移动病毒编写者还依赖社会工程学伎俩:把恶意软件标为防病毒更新程序、游戏或者是流行的实用程序;或者窃取地址簿,让受感染的文件冒充来自熟人。
The soldier himself does the stabbing and hacking, and burning and pillaging, and always receives commands to perform these acts from the persons in the plane next above. 士兵直接去刺、杀、烧、抢,也总从高级人员接受从事这些行动的命令;
British and American collusion in the pillaging of iraq's heritage is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict. 英美合谋抢掠伊拉克文化遗产丑行的影响异常深远,将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。
The raiders then sailed their ships up the rivers at will, striking far inland on foot or on horseback, and pillaging far and wide. 于是掠夺者任意地驶入江河的上游,步行或骑马袭击遥远的内陆,抢劫的区域在内地扩大。
Additional attacks launched during this time will result in the base being occupied, but will not give additional credits from pillaging. 在这期间,基地仍然会被占领,但攻击者将不会得到任何掠夺收益。
This was done by pillaging another huge website, Wikipedia, to find out how the names of objects tend to cluster together in the online encyclopedia's articles. 这次选择更大的网站&维基百科,研究物体名称是如何在在线百科群书的用品中分类的。
Characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding. 以抢劫、掠夺或劫掠为特征的。
In polity, they get across the military control. In economic, they built up South Manchuria Railway Corporation and control Dalian Port so that pillaging the economic of Dalian. 殖民者实行军事管制;经济上通过组建南满铁道株式会社以及控制大连港对大连的经济进行大肆掠夺。