He pushes his glasses up his nose with his pinkie. 他用小手指把眼镜向上推了推。
He has learned to hit PageDown with his pinkie. 他已经学会用小手指敲击下行键。
That is, as your left hand types a s d f, and your right pinkie flies in to crush the Enter key, you'll often depress Enter moments before releasing the f key. 也就是说,在左手键入asdf时,右手小手指挪去按Enter键,您通常会在释放f键的瞬间按下Enter键。
He lay still for 12 minutes, perfectly immobile except for the twitch of a pinkie. 他静静地躺了12分钟,除了小指抽动了一下,完全保持静止。
How he copes with a torn ligament in his pinkie remains to be seen. 现在他受到小手指韧带伤的困扰。
Then, too, Bryant has played the last few weeks with a torn ligament in his right pinkie that needs surgery. 然后,大婶右小指韧带撕裂需要手术但他却依然在球场战斗。
Leave the pinkie finger long. 就让小拇指的指甲那么长好了。
Exit the water thumb first rather than pinkie first. 出水的时候要大拇指先出水,而不是小指。
Clubs pursued a variety of fundraising activities to meet this goal, including the Purple Pinkie project and Pennies for Polio. 扶轮社从事许多筹款活动以达到该目标,包括紫色小指头计划与小儿麻痹捐便士硬币。
Kobe Bryant continues to play through significant pain whenever his damaged right pinkie is hit during a game. 科比依然在带伤的情况下参加比赛,但是只要他受伤的右手指碰到球,他会觉得很疼。
He also is still dealing with a torn ligament in his right pinkie. 而且他的右手小拇指韧带还是撕裂的。
Only after the Lakers returned from their East Coast trip Thursday was Bryant's injury, thought to be a dislocated right pinkie finger, re-diagnosed as a torn ligament. 周四湖人东征回归,随之而来的却是科比的伤病,本以为是脱臼的右小指被确诊为韧带拉伤。
Maybe at the end of my career, if things get worse, I'll be like the cool grandfather that can stretch his pinkie to all the way over here. 也许在我的职业生涯结束时,假如情况恶化,我就会像是一个悠闲的祖父一直在舒展小拇指。
If there were residue along her pinkie lines. 如果她的小指边沿有火药残留。
Although some will eat pinkie mice, a larger more active mouse is more likely to trigger a feeding response in a snake that has never eaten. 虽然有些蛇吃小手指粗细的老鼠,但一只从没吃过的较大的活跃的白鼠可能更能引起食欲。
I looked at the lemonade bottle as I spoke, tracing the circle of the opening with my pinkie finger. 我一边说着,一边埋头看着手里柠檬水瓶子,试验着要转多少圈才能用我的小指把瓶盖打开。
My little pinkie got caught in the door. 我的小指被门夹到。
But you're not cutting off your pinkie toe. 但是你可不要把脚趾头砍下。
Study on Germination Characteristics of Lagerstroemia indica CV. Petite Pinkie Seeds 矮生紫薇的种子萌发特性研究