Beginning in July 1998, Vicky and Pinky spent 922 days cycling through 32 nations, in all five continents. 从1998年7月开始,林姬莹和江秋萍花了922天,骑自行车穿过五大洲的32个国家。
Like many other young people, Lin Chi-ying ( Vicky) and Chiang Chiu-ping ( Pinky) dreamed of traveling the world. 和许多其他的年轻人一样,林姬莹(Vicky)和江秋萍(Pinky)梦想能环游世界。
In cities, they would wander through colleges and libraries, in need of air-conditioning, Pinky joked. 在城市里,她们会逛当地的大学和图书馆,在需要空调的时候,江秋萍开玩笑道。
By this time, her constant efforts to persuade her college friend, Pinky, to join her had succeeded. 这时,她不断地游说她的大学好友加入这一旅程,她的努力终于成功了。
Pinky Paradise sells circle lenses in a wide array of nontraditional hues, including yellow, red, aqua and white, all in the$ 20-$ 30 range. 粉色天堂出售的美瞳眼镜包括各种超出常规的颜色,包括黄色,红色、水绿色和白色,价格在20-30美元之间。
They have fond memories of the wonderful hospitality of the people in a Turkish village, where Vicky and Pinky farmed, cooked, and danced with the locals. 她俩曾在土耳其村庄与当地人一起下地、做饭和舞蹈,村民的殷勤好客给她们留下了美好的回忆。
Although Pinky was more conservative than Vicky, she found that she, too, had an adventurous spirit. 虽然江秋萍比林姬莹保守,但她发现自己也很有冒险精神。
Once, in California, Vicky and Pinky were unable to find any cheap accommodation, so they camped in a park. 有一次在加州,林姬莹和江秋萍找不到便宜的住所,只好在公园扎营。
Vicky and Pinky praise friends back in Taiwan who supported them financially, as well as the many people who assisted them along the way. 林姬莹与江秋萍十分感激台湾朋友给予她们的财力支援,和那些一路上帮助她们的人。
Thats interesting, because finger sensitivity declines as you head towards the pinky. 这是个有趣的现象,因为随着手指向小指方向移动,手指敏感度会降低。
Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky. 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样。
The color watchers at Pantone say the 'It' color of 2014 is a pinky purple known as 'radiant orchid.' 彩通(Pantone)的色彩观察员称,2014年的流行色彩将是一种名为璀璨兰花紫(radiantorchid)的粉紫色。
Where is pinky? Where is pinky? 小手指在哪里?小手指在哪里?
Pinky came into the pilot house, looked at the gauges, listened critically to the throb of the diesels. 平基走进驾驶室,瞧着仪表,挑剔地听着柴油机的震动。
The suspect told police he was riding his bicycle when he lost control and rolled down an embankment and onto railroad tracks just as a train was passing by, losing a thumb on one hand and an index finger and a pinky on the other. 疑犯向警方声称自己骑自行车时失控,冲过铁路路基,摔在了铁轨上,正巧当时一辆火车经过,轧断了他一只手拇指和中指,还有另一只手的小拇指。
No one but Pinky and Sister Heavenly knew his straight moniker, monicker. 除了平姬和海文莉修女外,没有人知道他正确的名字。
Running Rx Think about pushing off through the big toe, not the pinky toe, so that your foot swings cleanly forward, and you'll whip your ankle less. 跑步对策考虑一下,离地时用大脚趾发力,别用小脚趾,这样,您的脚就能向前甩,与脚踝的接触明显减少。
She was very tired, and fresh blisters had appeared on both her feet, including a matched set upon her pinky toes. 她全身疲乏,双脚上都起了新鲜的水泡,还有几个对称的印在通红的脚趾上。
Pinky Mean Wolf: The mission completes perfectly. 粉涩狼:任务圆满实施。
Many women like their steaks well done 'cause they can't stand the pinky inside, or sometimes with a little blood! 许多女士喜欢全熟的牛排,因为她们无法容忍生肉的粉色,有时还带着点血丝。
From head on, you can see how throwing up the pinky gives me the wider pull, and gets my back muscles into the stroke. 从头上方看,可以看到转肩送肩让我能把小拇指送出水面(这个动作)给了我更宽的划水,并且让背部的肌肉也参与其中。
They link their pinky fingers and promise that they always will love each other. 他们的手指紧紧握在一切,发誓永远爱着彼此。
Again, the size is of your pinky finger nail, all within the skin so you can just turn out your information to drive, for example a replaced arm or a computer screen. 这同样与手指甲那么大,因为放在皮肤下,所以你只要发出信息既可以驱动,诸如你的假肢或者电脑屏幕等。
And I'm starting to lose feelang in my pinky toe. 我那粉色的脚趾头开始麻木了。
It looks stupid. it's a pinky ring. 看起来太蠢了,这是个小指戒。
As the arm travels through the air, the shoulders and hips begin rotating towards that side, with the hand entering the water pinky first. 由于胳膊要在空中运行,那么肩部和髋部需要向这一侧转动,一直到小手指首先入水。
Reaper: pinky, we're entering the archeological dig. 秉基,我们正进入考古地盘。
As long as my pinky finger, yellow and orange, with a bright red head, it looked mean. 只要我的粉红色的手指,黄,橙,以鲜红色的头,它期待的意思。