You will be pitted against people who are every bit as good as you are 你将和与你势均力敌的对手展开竞争。
This was one man pitted against the universe. 这是一个人挑战整个宇宙。
Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes. 任一处的建筑物正面都布满了弹洞。
Earthquake pitted the surface of the earth. 地震使地面出现了凹陷。
Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels, parenchyma fibers and rays. 次生木质部由孔纹导管、薄壁组织及射线所组成。
The court, clay, had COME through its first winter pitted and windswept bare of redcoat. 球场上的粘土经过第一个冬天以后,变得坑坑洼洼,表面的红土都给风刮去了。
The surface of the moon is pitted with craters. 月球表面因有环形山而变得坑坑洼洼。
Battles over the balance between controlling immigration and attracting tourists have pitted top Conservatives against each other. 围绕控制移民与吸引游客之间平衡的分歧,致使保守党高层人物互相对立。
I just think at this point in the game it's extremely important to be supportive of fellow artists and especially females who get pitted against each other and torn apart. 我只是觉得游戏进行到这一点是至关重要的支持,特别是同伴的女性艺术家得到进站相互斗争的和撕裂了。
We pack black and green olives; whole, pitted sliced and stuffed in both can and jars. 集团生产黑橄榄、绿橄榄,罐装和瓶装的整个或去核切片橄榄。
Life was a brief dash for survival, and it pitted everything against you. 生活就是为了生存而进行的简短的奔跑,它使得一切和你对抗。
For me, now, cancer is my enemy. It's the dragon I'm pitted against. 现在,对我来说,癌症是我的敌人,是我条战的恶龙。
Acid had pitted the surface of the silver. 酸把银器的表面腐蚀了。
Yet the notion that animal suffering is pitted against human welfare animal pain against human gain is too stark. 不过那种认为动物遭难和人类福利不可兼得&动物的痛苦和人类的收获是此长彼消的的观念还是过于极端。
His forehead was pitted by chicken pox. 他的前额因害了水痘而留下许多麻点。
Those machine parts the surfaces of which are pitted, must be found and changed. 如果机器部件的表面起了麻点,就必须找出来更换。
He pitted his endurance against the other man's speed. 他以其耐力于另一人的速度对抗。
John was pitted against an opponent just as smart as he was. 有人让约翰和完全像他一样聪明的对手进行较量。
Meteors have pitted the moon with craters. 流星使月球表面坑坑洼洼。
He pitted his associates against one another. 他在手下人中拉一派打一派。
Its desire for statehood and recognition by the international community has pitted Kosovo against Russia and Serbia. 渴望独立以及得到国际社会认同的愿望将科索沃置于与俄罗斯和塞尔维亚对立的境地。
The climbers pitted themselves against the mountain. 攀登者和高山一比高下。
For many women, profession and family are pitted against one another on a high-stakes collision course. 对一些女人来说,职业和家庭在一个高风险的冲突过程上是互相抵触的。
He went on to recount how he had pitted his will against the disaster of the past winter. 他接着讲他如何凭自己的意志顶住了去年冬季的灾难。
His face is pitted with smallpox. 他的脸因天花而留下疤痕。
I soon learned that these grasslands are pitted with marmot holes which can break a galloping horse's leg. 不久,我就知道了,这些草原上遍布着土拨鼠的洞穴,坑坑洼洼,马匹在疾驰中可能会因此弄折腿。
He had smallpox as a child and his face was pitted withpockmarks. 他小时候得过天花,脸上留下麻点。
Venus Williams will be pitted against her sister in tomorrow's game. 在明天的比赛中,维纳斯威廉姆斯将和她的妹妹对决。
We were pitted against people with twice our experience. 我们与两倍于我们经验的人竞争。
Pitted Californian wines against prestigious ones from France. 斯珀里尔曾领导1976年一场名为“巴黎的裁决”的备受争议的品酒大赛,在那场比赛中,美国加州的葡萄酒和知名法国葡萄酒曾同台对决。