Control Study of Trace Elements in Serum of Patients with Pneumoconiosis 尘肺患者血清微量元素含量的配对研究
However, the new incidence of pneumoconiosis among coal miners will still be in a higher stage recently. 煤矿工尘肺新发病例数近期内仍将处于较高阶段。
Assessment and Prediction of Pneumoconiosis Hazard with Neural Network 尘肺危害的神经网络评价及预测研究
Study on the Quality of Life and Influencing Factors of Pneumoconiosis Patients 尘肺患者生存质量评价及其影响因素分析
Objective To understand the clinical curative effect of seretidc treatment of coal worker's pneumoconiosis associated with COPD. 目的了解应用舒利迭治疗煤工尘肺合并COPD的临床疗效。
Analysis on the incidence of pneumoconiosis in high altitude area 高海拔地区尘肺病发病情况调查分析
Results The early common pathological change of alumina pneumoconiosis was the dust spots. 结果粉尘沉积性尘斑是铝矾土尘肺最常见的尘性病变。
Application of High-kilovolt X-ray, Spiral CT and High Resolution CT in Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis among Coal Workers 高千伏X线与螺旋CT、高分比率CT在煤工尘肺诊断中的应用
Pneumoconiosis Combined with Tuberculosis: ECG analysis and Clinical Significance of 230 Inpatients 尘肺合并结核230例住院患者心电图分析及临床意义
Effect of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride on β-cell Function of Coal Workers with Pneumoconiosis and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 盐酸吡格列酮对煤工尘肺合并2型糖尿病β细胞功能的影响
Quality of Life of Aged Pneumoconiosis Patients and Influencing Factors 老年尘肺患者生命质量状况及其影响因素调查
Observation of therapeutic effect on pneumoconiosis combined with refractory pneumothorax by intrathoracic injection with N-CWS 胞必佳胸内注射对尘肺合并难治性气胸的疗效观察
Application of Multi-slice spiral CT in Early diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis 多层螺旋CT对尘肺早期诊断的应用研究
To accelerate legislation and to work out a plan for solving pneumoconiosis are suggested. 结论当前我国尘肺危害仍较严重,建议加速立法、制订规划,以解决我国尘肺问题。
Clinical analysis on 47 coal workers 'pneumoconiosis patients combined with atelectasis 47例煤工尘肺合并肺不张的临床分析
Study on prevalence survey and influential factors of coal workers 'pneumoconiosis complicated with lung tuberculosis in a coal mine 某煤矿煤工尘肺合并肺结核现况调查及发病影响因素研究
Study for the treatment of pneumoconiosis by large volume lung lavage through clinical pathway 临床路径在大容量肺灌洗治疗尘肺中的研究
The effect of systematic rehabilitation on QOL of patients with stage ⅱ pneumoconiosis 系统康复治疗对Ⅱ期尘肺病患者生存质量的影响
Changes of Lung Compliance of Pneumoconiosis Patients with Therapy of Whole Lung Lavage 大容量全肺灌洗治疗尘肺病术中肺顺应性的变化
Preliminary research: Correlation between the appearances of CT in stage ⅲ coal worker pneumoconiosis and pulmonary function by stage Ⅲ期煤工尘肺CT表现与肺功能分级的相关性的初步研究
Effect of Different Levels of Education and Different Stages of Pneumoconiosis on Mental Health of Coal Worker with Pneumoconiosis 不同文化程度及不同尘肺期别对煤工尘肺患者心理健康的影响
The Clinical Research of Chronic-obstructive Pulmonary Disease Caused by Pneumoconiosis Treated by Shuanghuanglian Injection in Acute-exacerbated Period 双黄连针剂治疗尘肺引起的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期临床研究
Case control study on risk factors of pneumoconiosis in welders 电焊工尘肺危险因素的病例对照研究
Effect of supervised breathing exercises on respiratory function in patients with coal workers pneumoconiosis 督导呼吸训练对煤工尘肺患者呼吸功能的影响
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Rehabilitation of Pneumoconiosis in Coal Worker 护理干预对煤工尘肺患者康复的影响
Analysis of General Dustproof Effect and Pneumoconiosis Morbidity of Two Coal Mine in Northern Anhui 皖北2煤矿综合防尘效果与尘肺发病情况分析