Differentiation of Miliary Nodules on HRCT: Miliary Pulmonary Tuberculosis versus Pneumonoconiosis and Metastatic Tumor in Lung 粟粒性肺结核、尘肺和粟粒性肺转移瘤的HRCT鉴别诊断
Small Volume Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Treatment of Pneumonoconiosis 小容量支气管肺泡灌洗术治疗尘肺的体会
Conclusion late staged pneumonoconiosis is one of the best indication for isolated lung transplantation. 结论单肺移植是治疗晚期尘肺的最佳适应症之一。
Objective Investigated the manangement and effect of anesthesia of lung lavage in patients with pneumonoconiosis. 目的探讨尘肺患者肺灌洗术的麻醉管理方法。
Management of anesthesia of lung lavage in patients with pneumonoconiosis 尘肺患者全肺灌洗术中麻醉和血氧测定监测
Objective: To learn the situation of pneumonoconiosis patients complicated with COPD and explore its influencing factors. 目的:了解尘肺并发慢性阻塞性肺疾病的患病情况,并探讨其影响因素。
Dust is the main occupational hazard during highway maintenance. Many literature reports indicate it make a severe harm to workers 'health, such as pneumonoconiosis, pulmonary function disorder and five sense organs disease, and so on. 养路工在劳动过程中的职业危害以粉尘暴露为主,大多数研究表明其对工人的健康危害主要表现为尘肺、肺功能障碍、五官疾病和免疫系统等方面。