
n.  淀粉糊(浆)




  1. After importing the relevant classes, you can begin to program inside the body of the main method using the Apache POI.
  2. This article uses the Apache POI because of its support community and rich functionality.
  3. The MVC framework is highly configurable via strategy interfaces and accommodates numerous view technologies including JSP, Velocity, Tiles, iText, and POI.
  4. Apache POI is a set of Java APIs for working with both older and newer Microsoft standard documents.
  5. The first step in reading an Excel workbook is to prepare to use the Apache POI and other necessary classes.
  6. To work with data on the sheet, start by getting an HSSFRow ( org. apache. poi. hssf. usermodel. HSSFRow) object, which represents a row in the sheet.
  7. Inspection of the Java source code ( from the open source Apache project Jakarta POI) revealed some unsynchronized multi-threaded code access patterns which were fixed in a subsequent release.
  8. This article demonstrates how to use Java technology and the Apache POI to read from Employee_List.xls.
  9. The Apache POI API programmers chose an unusual naming convention for their classes involving Excel workbooks; they used the prefix HSSF.
  10. However, because Apache POI has so much functionality and can work with other files, it might be more than a developer trying to work with only Excel files needs to learn.
  11. The framework is highly configurable through strategy interfaces and accommodates multiple view technologies such as JavaServer Pages ( JSP) technology, Velocity, Tiles, iText, and POI.
  12. Lisa: We eat eleven thousand cans of this stuff a day! Here, try some of my poi.
  13. Alvimopan, a novel and peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonist, is currently under evaluation for the management of postoperative ileus ( POI).
  14. The user is able to filter the results by category and to choose which information about the POI should be shown.
  15. Mobile POI Search has become one of the main applications in Mobile Search.
  16. "They are consumed as a cooked vegetable or are made into puddings, Breads, or Polynesian poi ( a thin, pasty, highly digestible mass of fermented taro starch)."
  17. Main factors of influencing slide moving accuracy of two poi nt press have been analysed and solving method proposed.
  18. The results show that the zero speed point is located on the arc between two absolute speed zero points of rotation axes, and the necessity of relative speed zero poi.
  19. If there is more than one POI in the area, the results are sorted by distance.
  20. Research on POI Query and Update Mechanism Based on LBS
  21. The EAWA filter is a flexible filter model, by which even a particular filter can be designed via defining pixel of interest ( POI) and the sub-support of.
  22. The application and importance of POI in logistics monitoring system are analyzed.
  23. Support for persistence of Java objects to Excel via JDO/ JPA APIs, utilizing Apache POI.
  24. In the current version of the Magic Wand software, the name and the category of a POI are displayed.
  25. In order to approach the relationships among the biotypes, the differences of all biotypes in POI profile were studied quantitatively by ordination using the distance of POI profile.
  26. Each of the different distribution of all the POI on the map coordinates of different points; while the local search based on user input task is to retrieve the statement may be exported out of the POI.
  27. It is in accordance with the specific data model will be based on geographic information, road traffic information, POI information, information such as automated guided the organic integration of multi-source information together, through the navigation software to show to the drivers.
  28. The correlative technology and the choosing of the design of image system are summarized, including video acquisition interface design, the technology and application of DSP, PCI bus interface design. A design of system based on DSP and PCI bus interface is selected. 3.
  29. Aseptic inflammation contributes to the development of POI and leads to impaired intestinal motility.
  30. POI information management module provides the operations to create add or delete the POI information.



  1. Hawaiian dish of taro root pounded to a paste and often allowed to ferment