There are signs that the academics are succeeding in their campaign to make the population debate less politicised and more evidence-based. 已经有迹象表明学者们正试图让这场人口之争规避政治因素,而更多地向理性证据靠拢。
Famed for creating politicised stencils on the walls of public buildings, Banksy's identity has never officially been revealed. 班克斯因在公共建筑物上创作涉及政治的作品而闻名,但他的真实身份从来没有被正式公开过。
Therefore, the emergence of the Speakers'Corner is like snow in a desert and naturally, it is politicised by overseas and local opinion. 因此,演说角落出现,仿佛旱天下雪,自然被海内外舆论贴上政治标签。
The problem is that defence is a politicised industry and governments have their own agendas. 问题在于防务是一个带有政治色彩的产业,而各国政府都有自己的议程安排。
This is partly because it is so politicised. 部分原因是它被严重政治化。
The figures are based on hospital and morgue records and are seen as significant given the heated and highly politicised debate over the human cost of the war in Iraq, our correspondent says. 这些数字是根据医院和太平间的记录和被视为重要的考虑和高度的激烈政治争论的人的代价,伊拉克战争,我们的记者说。
In his interview with the FT last month, Mr Guan accused his western competitors of being "politicised and highly ideological". 关建中上月在接受英国《金融时报》采访时,指控西方竞争对手“是政治化的,受到高度的意识形态影响”。
The issue has become politicised, with China accusing protectionist politicians in the US of using quality control to try to curb Chinese imports. 这个问题已染上了政治色彩,中国指责美国信奉贸易保护论的政客拿质量控制说事儿,试图抑制中国的进口。
Or does it suggest that the judiciary is politicised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus? 又或者此事表明司法部门已被政治化,准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁人身权利文书吗?
She had the personal backing of Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party leader, and had been expected to win an unprecedentedly politicised election. 她得到了国大党领导人索妮亚甘地(soniagandhi)的个人支持,而且外界一直预计帕蒂尔会在一场空前政治化的选举中获胜。
The day the ECB is turned into a politicised lender of last resort, may also be the day when the Germans start to seriously question whether they wish to be a part of the single currency. 欧洲央行成为政策性最后贷款人的那一天,或许也是德国人开始严肃考虑是否还愿意留在欧元区的那一天。
At many Latin American public universities students pay nothing, staff are unsackable, and the curriculum is old-fashioned and politicised. 在拉丁美洲地区的许多公立大学里,学生不用支付任何费用,工作人员是不能随便调动的,并且学校课程老化和政治化。
Britain's new scheme avoids the trap of politicised lending by leaving specific credit decisions with the banks. 英国此项新计划通过将具体的贷款决定留给银行自己以避免政治导向的放贷。
At the same time he pushed an anti-corruption agenda, which ( while laudable) was highly politicised and often did not follow due process. 与此同时,他推出了一个反腐议程,这项议程虽值得称许,但却极具政治性,而且往往不遵循正常程序。
His family and friends were unhappy about the negative coverage the media had given to the Beijing olympics, which should not be politicised, he said. 他表示,家人和朋友都对关于北京奥运的负面媒体报道感到不满;他还表示,不应把奥运政治化。
Among the actual victims of the violence, feelings are much less politicised. 在动乱中的实际受害者中,感觉远远没有那么政治化。
"The western rating agencies are politicised and highly ideological and they do not adhere to objective standards," Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating, told the financial times in an interview. “西方评级机构是政治化的,高度受到意识形态的影响,而不遵循客观标准,”大公国际资信评估公司(dagongglobalcreditrating)董事长关建中在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示。
Much is aimed at obtaining rulings preventing others using "trade defence" instruments such as anti-dumping and countervailing duties as a politicised tool of arbitrary retaliation. 多数诉讼旨在赢得裁决,阻止其他国家挥舞反倾销和反补贴关税等“贸易防御”工具作为随意报复的政治化手段。
It is one of the most politicised of commodities, according to Concepci ó n Calpe of the Food and Agriculture Organisation. 据食物与农业组织的康塞普西翁·卡尔贝说,大米是该地区最具有政治色彩的商品之一。
The central bank is likely to become more and more politicised, as its actions induce further concentration of the financial sector. 随着其举措导致金融领域进一步集中,美联储可能变得越来越政治化。
British Leyland, with aggressively politicised unions, became synonymous with industrial unrest. 把英国利兰与政治色彩浓重的工会放在一起,在当时就意味着行业动乱。
The argument has become heavily politicised, but the economics is about when and how to proceed with fiscal retrenchment, specifically in a debt and deleveraging crisis. 各方的主张已经变得高度政治化,但就经济学而言,它事关何时以及如何施行财政紧缩,尤其是在债务与去杠杆化危机期间。
Mr Bernanke must eschew easily politicised decisions. 伯南克必须避免作出容易被政治化的决定。
Yet even in this highly politicised milieu, the material comforts of my life back home were among their chief preoccupations. 然而,甚至在这种高度政治化的环境下,我家里富足的物质生活也是他们重点关注的东西。
And exchange rate levels, regrettably, have been very much politicised, affecting market sentiment. 加上汇率水平在很大程度上被政治化,也会影响市场气氛。