He directed a study, released last week by the Insect Pollinators Initiative of the United Kingdom, that compiled years of research on threats to pollinating insects. 范伯根提到了一份研究,该研究上周,由英国花粉媒虫倡议组织公布。它与多年的调查一样着眼于杀虫剂对花粉媒虫的威胁。
Effect of Tobacco Male-sterility Cross Pollinating Time to the Seed Quality 烤烟雄性不育杂交授粉时期对种子质量的影响
Effect of Different Cultivars Pollinating on Fruit Quality of Huali 2 Pear 授粉品种对华梨2号果实品质的影响
For example, plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become active. 例如,在其传粉昆虫变的活跃之前,其所在的植物就已经提前开花。
Female trees only produce staminate flowers and intermediate flowers, the latter are specially provided to pollinating fig wasps for their oviposition and proliferation. 雄株则产生雄花和中性小花,中性小花专门供给传粉小蜂产卵繁殖后代。
Filipinos living next to a GM cornfield developed serious symptoms while the corn was pollinating; 在玉米授粉时节,生活在转基因玉米地旁边的菲律宾村民出现了一种严重症状;
Cross pollination between lines can be achieved by removing the anthers from one line and pollinating with a second line. 不同繁殖系间的异花传粉可以通过去除一个繁殖系的花药后用另外一个繁殖系的花药授粉获得。
Mr Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve from 1987 until 2006, heaped praise on the magic of financial markets and decried the foolishness of those who called for more regulation: Why do we wish to inhibit the pollinating bees of Wall Street? 格林斯潘在1987至2006年期间担任美联储(Fed)主席,他盛赞金融市场的魔力,斥责呼吁加强监管的人愚蠢。他诘问道:我们为什么要约束华尔街传授花粉的蜜蜂?
The volunteers upload the photos to the "Discover Life" website, where free online tools and experts are available to help identify the insects and the plants they're pollinating. 最后,义工们将照片上载到“生命”网站,由专家们确认昆虫的种类和花粉传播的植物。
After the insect flies off, it spots another soul-mate flower and makes love to it, thus pollinating it. 等到昆虫飞走之后,飞到另一朵很像配偶的花上,于是又做爱一下,这样就完成了授粉。
A common solitary bee important for pollinating alfalfa in the western United States. 普通的独居蜜蜂,在美国西部对苜蓿的授粉很重要。
As well as enhancing our understanding of how bees move around the landscape pollinating crops and wild flowers, this research, has other applications. 除了加深我们理解蜜蜂如何在田野中飞行以及对农作物和野花进行授粉外,研究还可以应用在其他领域。
Preliminary study of kiwifruit pollinating bees in China 猕猴桃传粉蜜蜂的初步研究
Forest insects are mainly divided into natural enemies, pollinating insects, medical insects, edible insects, industrial insects and cultural insects. 我国森林昆虫的开发与利用主要集中在天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、工业用昆虫和文化昆虫等六大类。
A study on alfalfa pollinating mechanism and relationship of pollinating insects 苜蓿授粉机理及其与传粉昆虫的关系
Pollinating bees for Amomum villosum in Yunnan 云南德宏地区春砂仁传粉蜜蜂的研究
Bumble bees and honey bees are important pollinators, but bumble bees are more efficient than honey bees for pollinating fruits and vegetables in greenhouses, which is mainly due to the different activity patterns in pollination between bumble bees and honey bees. 蜜蜂和熊蜂都是理想的授粉昆虫,但熊蜂比蜜蜂更适合为温室果菜授粉,主要由于熊蜂和蜜蜂授粉时的活动方式不同。
Chemical attraction of fig volatiles to their pollinating fig wasps The species-specific mutualism between figs and pollinating fig wasps is one of the hot topics in coevolution studies. 榕果挥发物对传粉榕小蜂的吸引作用榕树与传粉榕小蜂之间的互惠共生关系是协同进化研究领域中的热点之一。
Distribution of Pollen Density and Seed Setting Efficacy Under Different Pollinating Methods 不同授粉方式的花粉密度分布与结实效应研究
Biosafety of transgenic plants to pollinating bees 转基因植物对蜂类昆虫安全性
The Impacts of Pollinating Behaviour of Fig Wasp on Its Reproduction 榕小蜂传粉行为对其繁殖的影响
Artificially pollinating resulted in decrease in soluble sugar and starch content of leaf and stem, but increase of root, which led to significant increasing in yield. 人工授粉增库使茎和叶可溶性糖和淀粉含量降低、根的升高,砂仁产量显著提高;
The technology of pollinating on apple-pear with Osmia in the old orchard without pollinating trees was studied. 试验研究了无授粉树的老苹果梨园利用角额壁蜂辅助授粉对苹果梨生长的影响及经济效益分析。
Comparing with open pollination, pollinating with single kind of pollen shortened the length of fruit handle and changed the index of fruit shape of female parent fruits. 与自然授粉相比,用单一授粉品种授粉,缩短了果柄长度,改变了果形指数。
The Influence of Different Pollinating on Hand-hybriding Rice's Seeding Rate 不同授粉方式对水稻手工杂交结实率的影响
There are same examples of plant-pollinating insect coevolution. 有些植物和传粉昆虫间出现了协同进化。
No significant interaction was found between the pollinating silk length and period in haploid inducing rate and haploids per plant. 两因素实验中,花丝长短和授粉时期在对诱导单倍体的作用上是独立起作用的,但分别对单倍体诱导率和株单倍体数都有极显著的作用。
Effect of pollinating varieties and pollen amount on persistent calyx of Ya pear 授粉品种和花粉量对鸭梨果实花萼宿存的影响
The pollen pollinating female flowers comes from the overwintering male flowers at the previous year. 雌花受粉时的花粉来源于前1年出现、宿存越冬、第2年4月底开始散粉的雄花。
Honeybees are important economic insects which can produce honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, etc. On the other hand, honeybees are important pollinating insects which can greatly improve the yields and quality of crops and maintain the ecological balance. 蜜蜂不仅是重要的经济昆虫,为人类提供蜂蜜、蜂王浆、蜂花粉等产品,而且是重要的授粉昆虫,可以大幅度提高农作物的产量和品质,在维持生态平衡中具有重要作用。