In Darlington, queues formed at some polling booths. 在达灵顿,有些投票站前排起了队。
Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful. 尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,报道说投票得以和平有序地进行。
There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections 今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。
Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place. 在预定进行投票的前一天选举被延期。
When you are there, in the polling booth, nobody can see where you put your cross. 在投票间投票时,没人能看见你投给谁。
Voters were lining up at polling places as early as 6.00 this morning, an hour before voting started. 早至今天早晨6点、离投票开始还有1个小时,选民就开始在投票点排队。
Queues formed even before polling stations opened. 投票站还没有开门,就有人排起了队。
Security is tight this week at the polling sites. 这个星期,各投票点的安全工作抓得很严。
A high turnout was reported at the polling booths. 来自投票站的消息称投票率很高。
He walked to the local polling centre to cast his vote 他走到当地的投票中心投了票。
The National Electoral Commission later took responsibility for the delays and by midday most polling places were operational. 安哥拉全国选举委员会后来为投票推迟承担了责任,到了中午,大多数投票站都正常运转了。
Create one or more polling threads in immortal. 在不朽内存中创建一个或多个轮询线程。
But this is a waste of time and resources, and this form of busy polling is extremely inefficient. 但这是在浪费时间和资源,而且这种繁忙查询的效率非常低。
Part 1 introduced Reverse Ajax, polling, streaming, Comet, and long polling. 反向Ajax,第1部分:Comet简介介绍了ReverseAjax、轮询、流、Comet和长轮询。
The polling method may have delays due to response availability and polling cycle. 由于响应可用性和轮询周期,轮询方法可能有延迟。
This functionality ensures that the agent keeps polling for new messages. 此功能将确保代理保持对新消息的轮询。
With this working successfully you are now ready to install and run the PHP code of the polling system. 如果这次测试能够正常运行,那么现在就可以安装和运行投票系统的PHP代码了。
Both Comet streaming and hybrid polling applications permit two-way communication once the initial connection is set up. Comet流和混合轮询应用程序在初始连接建立后都允许双向通信。
This is usually done via periodic SNMP polling in most environments. 在大多数环境下,这通常是通过定期的SNMP轮询实现的。
A previous section explored the concepts of polling for performance data. 上一节讨论了轮询性能数据的概念。
In this article, I discuss various approaches that can be alternatives to polling. 在这篇文章中,我将介绍多种可以替代轮询的方法。
At this point you might be thinking that there is a major problem with both long polling and streaming. 至此,您可能会想,长轮询和流都有一个很大的问题。
This timer is a polling mechanism. 这个定时器是一种轮询机制。
The user is able to control both the polling interval and the duration of the execution. 用户可以控制轮询时间间隔和执行持续时间。
Typically this is referred to as "polling" for messages. 通常这称为对消息的“轮询”。
There is an asynchronous callback model and an asynchronous polling model. 其中包含异步回调模型和异步轮询模型。
His polling to lives is a kind of reaction of modern times and consciousness of existence. 他对生命的探询是现代的反应和存在的自觉。
In this model, we do a combination of interrupt driven and polling driven network IO. 在该模型中,我们组合了中断驱动和轮询驱动的网络IO。
Application and network monitoring, supporting both data polling and traps via client/ server infrastructure. 应用和网络监视、支持的两数据投票和陷井通过客户端机/服务器基础设施。
Oozie can detect completion of computation/ processing tasks by two different means, callbacks and polling. Oozie可以通过两种不同的方式来检测计算或处理任务是否完成,也就是回调和轮询。