(书、通常指童书打开时)有跳起立体图片的 A pop-up book, usually a child- ren's book, has pictures that stand up when you open the pages.
(烤面包片机)自动跳起式的 A pop-up toaster has a mechanism that pushes slices of bread up when they are toasted.
ADJ (显示屏上的菜单或广告)弹出式的 On a computer screen, a pop-up menu or advertisement is a small window containing a menu or advertisement that appears on the screen when you perform particular operations.
This triggers some Ajax code to display details of the file in a pop-up window in the page. 这将触发某些Ajax代码,从而在页面的弹出窗口中显示文件的详细信息。
Right-click this sample project name and select Export from the pop-up menu. 右键单击此示例项目名称并从弹出菜单选择Export。
There are two types of buttons supported by the pop-up dialog control& cancel and normal. 弹出对话框控件支持两种按钮&cancel和normal。
Select the agent and Detach in its pop-up menu. 在弹出菜单中选择agent和Detach。
Finally, we'll add a toolbar and pop-up ( context) menu. 最后,我们将添加工具栏和弹出(上下文)菜单。
The plug-in displays all of this information in a pop-up, which is visible only during development mode. 此插件在一个弹出的(只在开发模式下可见)中显示了所有这类信息。
If you click the Endpoint link, a pop-up dialog displays the URL for your deployed application. 如果您点击Endpoint链接,一个弹出对话框将显示您所部署的应用程序的URL。
From the pop-up menu, select the Generate the pureQuery code option. 从弹出菜单中选择GeneratethepureQuerycode选项。
Listing 2 shows the source code of this pop-up window. 清单2显示了此弹出窗口的源代码。
Click Yes in the pop-up window to create a new data type. 在弹出窗口中,单击Yes创建一个新的数据类型。
Two pop-up windows are created to display detailed information for an employee and an organizational unit. 为了显示职员和组织单元的详细信息,我创建了两个弹出窗口。
If this generates a pop-up message, click OK. 如果生成一个弹出消息,则单击OK。
In the pop-up window, select your project area and click OK. 在弹出窗口中,选择您的项目区域并点击OK。
From the pop-up menu on this icon, create a new HTML file. 从这个图标上的弹出菜单中,新建一个HTML文件。
Click OK in the pop-up dialog. 在弹出对话框中,单击OK。
Button to open a New Update Site pop-up window. 按钮,这会打开NewUpdateSite弹出窗口。
Double click General in the New pop-up window. 双击新弹出窗口中的General。
Click the parent folder, and select Paste from the pop-up menu. 单击这个父文件夹,并且从弹出菜单中选择Paste。
The pop-up dialog control provides several configurable features that define the pop-up dialog's behavior and presentation. 弹出对话框控件提供了一些可配置的特性,用于定义弹出对话框的行为和外观。
Create web buttons and DHTML pop-up menus in just a few clicks! 在就一些按创造网按钮和DHTML弹出式菜单!
Select an attribute from the pop-up menu. 从弹出菜单上选择一个属性。
Choose your printer type from the pop-up menu. 从弹出式菜单中选取您的打印机类型。
Note: After clicking on the Look up button a pop-up dialog box will appear. 注意:点击了按钮的外观后弹出一个对话框将会出现。
Choose a channel from the channel pop-up menu, or leave it set to the default, automatic selection. 从“频道”弹出式菜单中选取一个频道,或让它保持设定为默认的自动选择。
A small menu pop-up displays after you select a square by positioning the cursor on the square. 一个小菜单弹出窗口将显示在您选择一个方形的定位光标在广场上。
Choose a password scheme from the wireless security pop-up menu. 从“无线安全性”弹出式菜单中选取一种密码方案。
I made a pop-up card. 我做了一个可以有自动弹跳装置的卡片。
This will delete the pop-up menu item and all its commands. 这将删除弹出菜单项及其所有命令。
It's a spyware, also pop-up ads windows on your computer. 这是一个间谍软件,您的计算机上还显示弹出式广告窗口。
Two buttons that display pop-up windows are also presented. 程序还显示了两个显示弹出窗口的按钮。