She has never denied the early days of her career in the mid-90s when she was a porn star. 她从来不回避自己在90年代中期那段艳星的历史。
The effect of board-dependence brought by it causes the young, nowadays, even can seldom spell correctly, let alone the negative effects triggered by porn movies, violent video clips and their like. 多于键盘的依赖使得很多孩子很少能正确的拼写和书写。就更不提由于和暴力视频带来的负面影响了。
Television host Mehmet Oz did a segment on his show, Dr. Oz, in October arguing that food porn was making society fatter. 电视节目主持人穆罕默德·奥兹十月曾在奥兹医生中做过一次专题栏目,论述美食照片诱惑正在让人们变得越来越胖。
You're summer solstice, the porn star. 你是莎玛。索尔丝苔丝,那个艳星。
And what are you doing watching porn? 你在干什么看黄片?
I would dance around naked with porn magazines. 我想拿本黄色杂志在那跳裸体舞。
He's watching porn when she arrives, but he changes the channel quickly, which makes her think he gets off to shark documentaries. 钱德正看三级片的时候莫妮卡撞了进来,钱德赶紧转台,莫妮卡还以为他在看鲨鱼节目。
Delivering you the hottest porn online for FREE! 提供您的热门翻译公司网上免费!
GIO Do you come from a large family and do they know about your work in gay porn? 你来自一个大家庭,那他们知道你所做的工作吗?
We should launch an anti porn campaign. 我们应发起扫黄运动。
Once a new medium becomes popular, its usage is no longer dominated by porn. 新媒体一旦大众化,便不再为淫秽资料所主导。
Did you ever figure out your porn name? 你是否曾经领会到你的小名?
The global recession is spawning a new type of literature: pessimism porn. 全球经济衰退正在催生一种新文字:悲观主义论调。
It has also provided porn for psephologists by turning passive viewers into active voters. 它还将消极的观众转变为积极的投票者,从而为选举学专家提供了素材。
If you're not sweating how your wife would feel about you and porn. 要是这样不会伤害你对你妻子的感情的话。
They elected an ltalian porn star to their senate. 他们甚至选了位艳星进参议院。
The porn industry acts in tandem with advertising and the mainstream media to create a bizarre, artificial version of what women are supposed to look like. 翻译公司产业行为随广告和要创建的妇女应该看起来像什么奇怪的人工版本的主流媒体。我总是追求更接近真实的东西。
Chandler: Because then we would be the guys who turned off free porn. 因为那样我就会成为关掉免费黄片的家伙。
Than having to throw away your porn collection? 不得不扔掉你的收藏?
Where am I gonna find porn on the ship? 在这船上我上哪儿找春画?
Only you'll find them appetizing after your favorite gay porn sites; since you obviously like Photoshopped pix. 也许只有你在访问了你喜欢的同志网站后有胃口去那转转吧!
I don't even think porn and malt liquor can heal the damage that you have inflicted. 我觉得黄片和啤酒都没法治愈你带来的伤害。
We thought the names of two incredibly hot guys put together could be the best name for a porn star. 我想两个帅家伙的名字放到一块儿对于一个成人影星来说再合适不过了。
GIO That is fun advice! Last question; what advice would you give someone who wants to do gay porn? 真是有趣的建议!最后一个问题:对于想进入这个行业的人你有些什么建议?
Must have been tricky. It's hard enough to hide porn from one wife. 拉登肯定很不容易,有一个妻子的情况下隐藏都很难的。
Kara's Adult Playground-One of the original porn mega sites on the web. 卡拉翻译公司游乐场-原翻译公司在网络上的大型网站之一。
The fourth chapter porn websites in the current situation of management scheme design, including policy demands and technology management system design. 第四章针对不良网站的现状进行了治理方案设计,包括政策诉求和技术治理体系的设计。
The third chapter of the Internet industry and the environment are analyzed, including porn websites in China to produce the negative effects of the case and the analysis. 第三章对互联网行业和环境进行了分析,包括不良网站对我国产生的负面影响案例及分析。
The second chapter presents the management the background and significance of the porn websites. 第二章介绍了治理不良网站的背景及意义。