淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等) books, videos, etc. that describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive
N-UNCOUNT (总称)色情(或淫秽)作品 Pornography refers to books, magazines, and films that are designed to cause sexual excitement by showing naked people or referring to sexual acts.
A nationwide campaign against pornography began in the summer. 一场全国性打击淫秽作品的行动在夏季打响了。
A nationwide campaign against pornography began in the summer. 一场全国性打击淫秽作品的行动在夏季打响了。
The internet enables users to access violence and pornography easily. 互联网让用户轻易接触暴(河蟹)力和色(河蟹)情。
We should crack down on pornography and illegal publications and resist vulgar trends. 开展扫黄打非,抵制低俗现象。
"Eradicate ( wipe out) such social evils as pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking" 铲除黄、赌、毒(吸毒和贩毒)等
Police detained a man in Shishan Town of Guangdong Province on Nov.21 for disseminating pornography, the Guangzhou Daily reported. 据《广州日报》报道,11月21日,一男子因涉嫌传播淫秽物品在广东狮山被捕。
While also "against pornography and illegal publications", could not tell whether this is enough, or a deliberate connivance, in any case such social evils have not been cleared. 虽然也曾“扫黄打非”过,可不知道是力度不够,还是故意纵容,反正这种社会丑恶现象没有被清除。
"The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued." 继续开展“扫黄打非”斗争
Having information suggesting pornography, superstition, terror, violence or hideousness; 含有淫秽、迷信、恐怖、暴力、丑恶的内容;
Deep sleep state of the crime are: sleep driving, sign the bad check, murder, rape, child pornography. 深眠状态下的犯罪有:睡眠驾驶、签坏支票、谋杀、猥亵儿童、强奸。
Li Yinhe also believes the law is unfairly discriminatory because it was drafted according to upper class values, with no consideration of the rest of society's need for pornography. 李音河还认为,这条法律是根据上层社会的价值观来制定的,因此它具有不公平的歧视性。
"Pornography" has been the focus of the police to crack down, the way a city of Shenyang Qingdao-Weihai City video game was "posing" for operating a gambling machine. “黄赌毒”一直是警方严厉打击的重点,城阳青威路上一家电玩城却“挂羊头卖狗肉”经营赌博机。
Please do not post any improper topics such as slander, Pornography and other antisocial topics. 请不要发诽谤中伤,下流,反社会等不适当的帖子。
Persistent efforts will be put into the fight against pornography and other illegal products. We will severely crack down on piracy and smuggling of video disks. 深入持久地开展“扫黄”打非“斗争,严厉打击盗版盗印和光盘走私活动。
HEN Barack Obama won the American presidency in2008 his supporters cheered, cried, hugged& and in many cases logged onto their computers to look at pornography. 巴拉克·奥巴马赢得2008年总统选举后,他的广大支持者们欢呼、大哭、相互拥抱&而且很多人打开电脑看黄片。
We will improve management of the culture market and steadfastly fight against pornography and illegal publications. Low intensity ultrasonic treatment to enhance aerobic digestion of excess sludge 加强文化市场管理,坚持开展扫黄打非。低强度超声场促进剩余污泥好氧消化
Most of the students can correctly cope with pornography on the network; 大多数学生能正确对待和处理网上黄色问题;
While pushing foreward the social and economic development, the entertainment venue also leads to the juvenile delinquency, pornography, gaming, and drug-abuse, the series social problems. The negative effect of that has become the focus of the public attention. 但娱乐场所在推动社会经济发展的同时,亦诱发了诸如青少年失教、黄、赌、毒犯罪猖獗等系列社会问题,其社会负面效应也已成为社会公众关注的焦点。
This paper chose to study in this area because currently the Internet users are still frequently influenced by such kind of content and information and the pornography issue of the Internet content has not been effectively resolved yet. 互联网低俗内容的监管研究并不新鲜,本文之所以选择这个领域进行研究,是因为当下互联网用户依旧经常被该类信息内容所影响,互联网低俗内容问题并未得到有效解决。