You can configure custom and predefined data bindings for some of the messaging import and export transport protocol bindings. 对于某些消息传递导入和导出传输协议绑定,您可以为其配置自定义数据绑定和预定义数据绑定。
RMC takes such content and structures it in one specific way using a predefined schema. RMC采用这些内容并使用一个预定义的方案以具体方式对内容进行结构化。
The Perl file simple shows how simple persistence can be implemented for a predefined set of keywords. Perl文件simple显示了预定义的关键字集合如何能够实现简单的持久性。
Alternatively, we could provide a number of tables which present the data from a variety of predefined perspectives. 我们也可以提供多个表,以从多个预定义的透视图中显示数据。
You can access the core business data by predefined interfaces such as IDoc and BAPI. 通过预定义的接口(如IDoc和BAPI),您可以访问核心业务数据。
Gperf hashes a predefined set of keywords, then quickly performs lookups for these same keywords. Gperf混编了一组预定义的关键字,然后对这些关键字执行快速查找。
Valid properties for each CM tool are predefined in metaclasses of the same name. 每一种CM工具的有效属性都在相同名字的元类中得到了预定义。
To create a VLAN with VLAN tagging, predefined commands are present on icb-tivsam, icb-nfs and icb-itm. 为了使用VLAN标记创建一个VLAN,icb-tivsam、icb-nfs和icb-itm提供了一些预定义命令。
Evaluates whether the string matches the predefined pattern. 评价了字符串是否与预定义的模式相匹配。
Alerts subscription: Use to subscribe and unsubscribe to different predefined alerts. 警报订阅:用于订阅和退订不同的预定义警报。
This helps operators focus on the most important and crucial problems, based on predefined and configurable criteria. 这可以帮助操作员根据预定义的和可配置的标准,重点关注最重要和最关键的问题。
It provides mediation between service requesters and providers using predefined and user-defined mediations. 它使用预定义和用户定义的中介,为服务请求者和提供者提供中介。
Select an input value from that the predefined values. 从预定义的值中选择一个输入值。
Predefined functions are provided for different data types. 系统为不同的数据类型提供了预定义的聚合函数。
The iWidget and OpenSocial gadgets have to publish and subscribe on the same predefined and specific channel. iWidget和OpenSocialgadget要在同一个预定义的特定信道上发布和订阅。
This concept of parameterization adds flexibility to the usage of your predefined templates. 此参数化概念为预定义模板的使用增加了灵活性。
Spirit provides other predefined parser directives as well as ways to write some of your own. Spirit提供了其他预定义解析器的指令和一些编写解析器的方法。
The links show the types of predefined relationships between these document types in Compass. 这些链接展示了Compass中的这些文档类型之间的预定义关系的类型。
Use the predefined username system and password manager to log on to the administrative console. 使用预定义的用户名system和密码manager登录管理控制台。
Create site maps of existing web sites using templates and predefined shapes. 使用模板和预定义形状创建现有网站的网站图。
You must map existing Windows domain user and group accounts to predefined role definitions. 必须将现有的windows域用户和组帐户映射到预定义的角色定义中。
By default, administrators and users who are assigned to the predefined content manager role can perform this task. 默认情况下,分配了预定义的“内容管理员”角色的管理员和用户可以执行此任务。
You can remove these predefined tokens from the list by highlighting the token and clicking remove. 通过突出显示该标记并单击“移除”,可以从列表中移除这些预定义标记。
Keywords are predefined, reserved identifiers that have special meanings to the compiler. 关键字是对编译器具有特殊意义的预定义保留标识符。
You can expand the root node to view predefined folders for reports, shared schedules, and security. 您可以展开根节点来查看报表的预定义文件夹、共享计划和安全性。
Click the predefined header or footer in the header or footer box. 在“页眉”或“页脚”框中单击预定义页眉或页脚。
A data packet which has exceeded its maximum predefined node visit count or time in the network. 一种数据分组,在网络中超出了其预先设定的最大节点访问数或时间。
The console also works with XML-generated metadata, predefined processes and tasks, and business metadata. 控制台同样适用于XML生成元数据、预定义的过程和任务,和业务元数据。
You can now use predefined filters on the table of contents and index. 现在可以对目录和索引使用预定义筛选器。