Accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified. 有关这一连串的战役的叙述常常被加以美化。
It was the newsreels, he concluded. I was a pushover for the prettified black-and-white 'truth' they served up. 他总结道:(吸引我的)是一个新闻纪录片,其中美化了的非黑即白的‘真理’打动了我。
Therefore the best thing you can be in Bali is alus, which means refined, or even prettified. 因此在巴厘岛最好做个alus,即有教养或美化过的人。
The areas that couldn't be prettified in time were hidden behind Olympic billboards that would have made Grigori Potemkin proud. 在这一时刻,骄傲的格里戈里·波特金奥运广告牌背后隐藏着无法美化的区域。
While other kinds of literatures passionately portrayed the prettified figures of the honest and upright officials, vernacular novels held an important significance in the reflection on the honest and upright officials. 当其它文学热情地塑造清官神话时,话本小说对清官的反思具有重要的意义。