The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production. 政府将优先投资服务行业,而非工业和生产行业。
Attracted by a display of handpicked, often beautiful and unusual volumes, rather than piles of "three for two" offers prioritising quantity rather than quality. 手工挑选、装潢精美、非同寻常的书籍将使你眼前一亮,这可不是数量优于质量、“买三送二”的书籍大卖场。
Ensuring that growth benefits the most number of people is partly a matter of prioritising. 确保经济增长能惠及最多的民众,在一定程度上是一个优先次序的问题。
Although known for prioritising concept over craft, his works-in-progress suggest that Mr Orozco has an affectionate relationship to his own hand. 众所周知,理念先于应用,他的作品创作过程表明奥罗斯科的作品则体现着其深意。
The Chinese leadership, after having briefly flirted with prioritising inflation ( expressed mainly through a temporary acceleration in Renminbi appreciation), has resumed putting growth as the clear number one priority. 中国领导层在短暂地假装把通胀作为首要问题之后(主要体现在通过人民币的短暂加速升值),又重新将增长明确作为第一要务。
But instead of prioritising them, the international community's response has been "patchy"," incoherent" and "very fragmented", they say. 它们说,但是这些技术并没有得到优先对待,国际社会的反应“支离破碎”、“不连贯”而且“非常凌乱”。
In a sign of how Huawei is prioritising corporate-focused telecoms, the Chinese group is restructuring itself into three divisions. 显示华为重视面向企业的电信设施的一个迹象是,该公司重组为三个部门。
He proposes prioritising the development of new maize strains resistant to drought and radiation. 他提出优先发展耐高温、耐强辐射和耐旱的新型玉米品种。
Inside, a campaigner read out a statement by the father of one of the11 men who died in the blast, in which he accused BP of prioritising profits over safety. 在里面,一名演讲者大声宣读了在爆炸中身亡的11人的父亲的声明,其中他指控BP将利益放在安全之上。
Wu said that new regulations also aim to encourage innovation in China's pharmaceutical sector currently dominated by generics by prioritising new drug applications. 吴浈说,新的管理办法也旨在通过对新药申请进行“特殊审批”,鼓励中国的医药行业进行创新。目前这一领域还是以仿制药占压倒性多数。
Developing the ideal compromise will require prioritising all of the issues. 开发理想的折中方案将需要排列所有问题的优先次序。
It is an important task, because the regulations will in turn play a substantial role in prioritising which risks are assessed. 这是一个重要的任务,因为管理规定反过来在决定应该优先评估哪些风险方面起到了重要的作用。