VERB 促进;增进;提倡 If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread.
You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth... 不必为了促进经济增长而牺牲环境保护。
In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism. 我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气。
VERB 促销;推广;推销 If a firm promotes a product, it tries to increase the sales or popularity of that product.
Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album. 保罗·韦勒已经宣布到英国巡演,以推广他的第二张专辑。
...a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination. 在特殊的圣卢西亚活动周期间这个岛屿可以作为旅游胜地进行宣传推广
VERB 晋升;提升;擢升 If someone is promoted, they are given a more important job or rank in the organization that they work for.
I was promoted to editor and then editorial director... 我先是被提升为编辑,然后又晋升为编务总监。
In fact, those people have been promoted. 事实上,那些人已经升职了。
VERB 使(联赛队伍)升级 If a team that competes in a league is promoted, it starts competing in a higher division in the next season because it was one of the most successful teams in the lower division.
Woodford Green won the Second Division title and are promoted to the First Division. 伍德福德格林队赢得了乙级联赛的冠军,成功升甲。
She applauds the fact that they are promoting new ideas. 他们在宣传新思想,对此她表示赞许。
He had been accused of promoting disunity within the armed forces. 人们指责他在军队内部搞分裂。
He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise. 他仍在从事促进当地创业的志愿者工作。
The UN's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention 联合国在促进和平方面的作用越来越受到国际社会的关注。
The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe 东欧民主力量的发展与西方国家利害攸关。
In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。
The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。
He called it 'rank hypocrisy' that the government was now promoting equal rights. 他把目前政府提倡平等权利的举措称为“彻头彻尾的伪善”。
He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace 他坚信自己实际上是在促进和平,以此进一步将自己的行为合理化。
Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television 玩具制造商开始在电视上推销他们的一些产品。
Calcitonin, when administered intravenously, turns out to be yet another flush promoting agent. 静脉注入降血钙素的结果表明,它是一个潮红促进剂。
He described sport as a symbol of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between nations. 他将体育运动描述为和平的象征,促进各民族间情谊的途径。
Progress was made in developing infrastructure and promoting coordinated development among regions. 推进基础设施建设和区域协调发展。
I highly appreciate the important role played by President Obama in promoting the growth of this relationship. 我非常感谢奥巴马总统在促进发展这一关系方面发挥的重要作用。
This will contribute to promoting the full and equal participation of all women in society. 这将有助于促进所有妇女充分和平等地参与社会。
We will conscientiously implement all plans and policies for promoting regional economic and social development. 认真落实促进区域经济社会发展的各项规划和政策。
The development of China-Mexico relations has played an important role in promoting world peace and stability. 中墨关系的发展为促进世界和平与稳定发挥了重要作用。
This is the price society and the financial system pays for lessening risks and promoting stability. 这是社会和金融体系为降低风险、提升稳定性所付出的代价。
We need a new 'sustainable development economics', with governments promoting new types of investments. 我们需要一个新的可持续发展经济模式,政府要促进新的投资类型。
Accelerating scientific and technological progress and innovation, and promoting the industrial structure optimization and upgrading. 加快科技进步和创新,促进产业结构优化升级。
Promoting the coordinated development of all regions is of strategic importance to China's modernization drive. 促进区域协调发展,是我国现代化建设中的一个重大战略问题。
We further recognize that strengthening regional economic integration also plays a key role in promoting regional peace and stability. 我们进一步认识到,加强地区经济融合也对促进地区和平与稳定有重要作用。
Accelerating structure reform and scientific and technological progress, and promoting the strategic readjustment of the national economy. 加快体制改革和科技进步,推进经济结构的战略性调整。
Promoting awareness and application of new technology. 推广对新技术的认知和应用;
Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation; 制定规范和标准并促进和监测其实施;
Developing of production and promoting of social progress are common target for both capitalist and worker. 发展生产和推动社会进步是资本家和工人共同的目标。
The regional cooperation is playing a vital role in promoting comprehensive development of the subregion. 区域合作,对提升次地区的全面发展,起着十分重要的作用。
Promoting monetary and financial stability is one key objective of the BIS. 促进金融和财政稳定是国际清算银行的一个主要目标。
Intellectual property securitization promotes knowledge capital and financial capital effective integration, thus promoting the technology and social progress. 知识产权证券化提升了知识资本与金融资本的融合效率,推动了科技进步。
GCIO: A community of business analysts and IT end-users dedicated to promoting and implementing sustainable business practices. GCIO:一个为业务分析师和IT最终用户提供促进和实现可持续的流程实践的社区。