V-ERG (使)(脸)起皱;(使)(嘴)撅起 When a part of your face puckers or when you pucker it, it becomes tight or stretched, often because you are trying not to cry or are going to kiss someone.
Toby's face puckered... 托比的脸皱了起来。
She puckered her lips into a rosebud and kissed him on the nose. 她双唇努起犹如一朵玫瑰花蕾,在他的鼻子上吻了一下。
Four easy ways to get luscious lips whether your mouth is opened wide in delight or puckered up for a kiss. 当高兴合不拢嘴与厥起双唇亲吻的这样美好的时刻,有四种简单的方法可以使你的双唇看起来更加的甘美。
Go, then, while I hear what this puckered, old persimmon has to say. 你们退下我要听这个老妇有甚么要说。
A light puckered fabric, usually striped. 通常有斑纹的褶皱的明亮的纤维。
When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger. 他一看见她,就歪着脸举着一个受伤的指头哭起来了。
Cockling: The puckered effect produced when printing sheets of paper having wavy or tight edges. 起皱:用带有浪形纸边或弓形纸边的纸张施印,起皱情况就会发生。
Some of the seams were puckered. 有些接缝处起了皱纹。
Her little mouth puckered up and tears filled her eyes. 她的小嘴巴一噘,眼泪汪汪。
His Brows puckered in a frown. 他的双眉皱了起来。
She puckered up her lips for a kiss. 她噘起嘴唇想亲吻。
And while you're puckered, how about a birthday kiss? 趁你撅嘴准备的时候,咱们来个生日之吻如何?
Carrie did not know it, but there was the least show of wrinkles between her eyes and her mouth was puckered quaintly. 嘉莉自己并不知道,但是在她的眉间稍稍出现了一些皱纹,而且她的嘴也很奇特地撅着。
This procedure provides patients with a more natural look and feel, eliminates signs of aging, makes lips appear less puckered and abstains from using artificial implants. 该技术消除老化的迹象,使嘴唇显得不那么皱褶,且不使用人工植入物,令丰唇后的外观看起来更自然。
She puckered her lips and kissed him. 她努起嘴吻了他。
A his face puckered, the tears leapt from his eyes. 他皱着眉嘟着嘴,眼泪夺眶而出。
His face puckered, and he was ready to cry. 他的脸一皱,像要哭了。
His voice was calmer now, and as he spoke he looked up at the clock with puckered brows. 吴荪甫的口气镇定些了;他皱着眉头,一边说,一边看那大钟。
Wu sun-fu puckered up his brows, but nodded all the same. 吴荪甫的眉头皱紧了,但也点一下头。
"Well-" she puckered her brows and pursed up her mouth as she thought, while he looked on and decided that her expression was most adorable. 她皱起眉头嘟起嘴唇想着他看着她,认为她那表情非常可爱。
He puckered ( up) his brows [ face]. 他皱起眉头[脸]来。
She puckered her brow in concentration. 她皱起眉毛,聚精会神。
A puckered-up mouth waiting to be kissed; her mischievous puckered nose. 等待亲吻的噘起的嘴唇;她淘气的皱起的鼻子。
Cockle finish paper: Puckered finish to a sheet of paper, created through a creping machine. Also called Creped paper. 皱纸:经过起皱纹机造成有皱纹的纸。
The gifts face puckered up with pains. 小女孩疼得哭丧着脸。
The enemy's beaded forehead puckered doubtfully. 对手迟疑地皱起冒着汗珠的前额。
S of symptom were found in the soybean varieties infect-ect with SMV: light mosaic, mosaic yellow mosaic, leaf curl, leaf roll, puckered leaf, distorting loaf, rugosity, dwarfing and top necrosis. 结果表明:大豆花叶病的症状主要有10种:轻花叶、花叶、黄斑花叶、曲叶、卷叶、疤叶、畸型叶、皱缩、矮化和顶枯。
A Preliminary Discussion of the Nature of Quasi-Aromaticity in the Non-Planar Puckered [ Mo_3S_3] Rings of Certain [ Mo_3S_4]~ ( 4+) Clusters 初论某些[Mo3S4]~(4+)簇合物中[Mo3S3]非平面簇环的类芳香性本质
Based on the colloid aspects and the model of the structure transformations in diamond synthesis under the action of a solvent-catalyst, it is suggested that the coalescence of the puckered dimers of diamond as crystallized units is the main way of diamond nucleation. 本文基于溶剂-催化剂作用下金刚石合成中的胶体观点和结构转化模型,提出了作为金刚石结晶基元的双层椅子形网面组的相互聚结是金刚石成核的主要方式的观点。