But a great number of them appear to be puerility. 但其中一堆似乎都很小儿科。
There was always, in her conversation, the same odd mixture of audacity and puerility. 她的谈吐非常奇特,总是那么既大胆放肆同时又天真无邪。
The important factors to bring on the problems in mental health were the puerility of thinking, the short of life experience, the marks of bygone life, the simplicity, asthenia of education. 初中生思维的不成熟性和生活经验的欠缺,以往生活的痕迹和教育的简单、无力是造成民办校初中生心理健康问题的重要因素。
Combining the results of crude protein, hardness, tensile and transparency etc., the puerility of imitative shark fins with pH 6.0, 8% ( w/ w) gelatin, 2% sodium alginate was the best. 综合粗蛋白含量、硬度、拉伸强度和透明度等结果得出:8%明胶、2%海藻酸钠在纺丝原液pH为60时,制备的仿生鱼翅效果最佳。
In the course of deepening reforms and opening wider to the outside world, China is faced with the chance to join the WTO and the problem of puerility protection of industries stands out. 在我国深化改革和扩大对外开放的进程中,特别是在面临入世的机遇下,幼稚产业保护问题日显重要。