A redoubtable method, and one which, united with genius, rendered this gloomy athlete of the pugilism of war invincible for the space of fifteen years. 那种锐不可当的方法,加上他的天才,便使战场上的这位沉郁的挥拳好汉在十五年中所向披靡。
But I would like to present* One of the immortals of pugilism. 不过我要介绍拳坛的不朽人物。
Their trade disputes are mostly driven by domestic special interests, and the latest piece of cross-Pacific pugilism is no exception. 它们之间的贸易纠纷多数是由国内特殊利益推动的,跨越太平洋的最新交锋也不例外。
Pugilism World in the Visual Field of the Theory of "Possible Worlds" 可能世界理论视野中的武侠世界
A probe into the degree of difficulty In free pugilism of practical military arts 实战武艺之散打难度的探讨