You need to know you can fight with this person without resorting to fisticuffs. 你得知道,不需要借助拳脚,也能斗得过他。
I do not choose to engage in fisticuffs with you. 我可不想和你动拳头打架。
And anyone who knows me will tell you that I frown upon fisticuffs. 每一个认识我的人,都会告诉你我不喜欢打斗。
DISPUTES about science in Western countries can sometimes be heated. Seldom, though, do they descend into fisticuffs. 在西方国家,科学上的争论有时也可以很激烈,但几乎没有上升至互殴的。
Aid workers report that even the clan feuds that have plagued the strip are being toned down from gun battles to fisticuffs. 援助人员描述道,就连那些曾为祸加沙,从枪战到械斗的氏族冲突也已趋缓和。
Some might think it is masochistic to indulge in fisticuffs. 有些人可能会认为这是自虐沉迷于拳头。
Sometimes it looks like that battle escalates into fisticuffs! 有时候,这些推挤看起来像是升级为了相互击打!
AS MOST parents know, boys are more likely than girls to use fisticuffs to sort out disputes. 很多家长都知道,男孩子要比女孩子更喜欢通过拳头来解决争执。
The idea was to make it less chaotic and prone to fisticuffs. 其目的是为了减少“立法院”的混乱和经常上演的全武行。
On Determination of Intentional Injury Crime at Group Fisticuffs 群殴事件中故意伤害罪的认定问题
Characters experience almost from the madness destiny to death, because they all carry on the back in bitter and bitterly Pursuing future road lastly, heart world the self-contradict thought engages in fisticuffs, polyphone is a reason for person madness. 路翎的主人公几乎都经历着从疯狂到死亡的命运,因为他们在苦苦寻求未来的道路上,内心世界里都背负着矛盾的思想格斗,复调是导致人物疯狂的基础。