She pursued an acting career after four years of modelling. 当了4年的模特之后她踏上了演艺之路。
Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community 波兰和捷克斯洛伐克已经积极寻求加入欧共体。
The enemy were pursued for two miles 敌军被追击了两英里。
When pursued, he made his escape with a flash of speed 遭到追赶时,他突然飞速地逃脱了。
He'd snuck out of America hotly pursued by the CIA. 在中央情报局的穷追不舍下,他已偷偷溜出了美国。
He pursued a career in medicine 他从事医学。
There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued. 对应当实行何种政策,舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。
Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music 加德纳一直不懈地追求古典音乐演奏的高水准。
Mr. Menendez has aggressively pursued new business. 梅嫩德斯先生积极开拓新业务。
She pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag. 她追赶那个偷了一个妇女提包的男人。
He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years. 多年来他一直保持着收集旧历书的嗜好。
This is a policy we have pursued consistently. 这是我们一贯奉行政策。
We have always pursued a friendly policy towards the Japanese people. 对日本人民我们一贯奉行友好政策。
Unrelentingly he pursued his course of evil. 他继续胡作非为,毫无收敛。
Hotly pursued by the police, the criminal found no refuge. 警察跟踪追击,罪犯无处逃遁。
It has also pursued flexible and prudent economic policies, and ensured they are targeted and sustainable. 中国实施灵活谨慎的经济政策,并且保证政策的目标性与持续性。
Where and when these roles participate depends partly on the enterprise's process and the organization template pursued. 这些角色在哪,及什么时候参与部分依赖于企业的过程和所推行的组织模板。
Last year, we pursued creative thinking and methods in exercising macro-control and gained new experience in this regard. 去年我们在实践中创新宏观调控思路和方式,积累了新的调控经验。
This time, Switzerland has pursued the same policies in reverse order. 这一次,瑞士以相反的顺序执行了同样的政策。
I have pursued mine enemies, and destroyed them; and turned not again until I had consumed them. 我追赶我的仇敌,灭绝了他们,未灭以先,我没有归回。
In this situation alternative sources of technical support, knowledge and training must be pursued. 在这样的情况下,必须寻求另外的技术支持、设计知识和培训资源。
French and Austrian armies pursued him. He succeeded in 'evading them. 法国和奥地利军队在追捕他,他成功地逃脱了他们的追捕。
So we pursued it and at least as commerce defines it we caught it. 于是我们对之孜孜以求,并且至少像商业所定义的那样我们将其抓到了手中。
If they had pursued such policies, they would almost all be members by now. 如果它们当初遵循了这样的政策,那么如今它们几乎都已经该入盟了。
The organization has pursued a commendable policy on combating racism and religious intolerance. 该组织奉行了值得称赞的政策来对付种族主义和宗教不容忍问题。
He reversed a policy he had pursued for six years. 他对自己执行了6年之久的政策做了彻底的改变。
We have pursued and exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice. 对于这一非正义行为我们已采取并用尽了所有可能的法律补救方法。
But a definitive decision on the form of struggle to be pursued had not yet been made. 但是对于所从事的斗争的明确方式还没有作出规定。
The Icelandic government has pursued the politics of social and economic inclusion. 冰岛政府一直追求让社会和经济和谐发展的政治策略。
Don't you remember? Hell, you pursued me. 你不记得了?你追求我。