He is unlikely to send in the army to quell nationalist aspirations. 他不可能派兵去扼杀民族主义理想。
Troops eventually quelled the unrest. 军队最终平息了动乱。
The Information Minister is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis. 新闻部长正努力消除民众对一触即发的石油危机的恐惧。
Scheduling raises to coincide with the change to a new plan can also quell objections. 此外,同时提高员工薪资,以此来配合新计划,也能起到平息反对意见的效果。
An eloquent memo to staff can quell fears, dampen dissent, or inspire people to reach new heights. 对员工有说服力的提醒能消除恐惧,排除异议,鼓舞员工达到新高度。
Although the Kremlin and the Russian state media released photos and video footage of Putin last week, they did not quell the rumors about his whereabouts, because it was unclear when they were taken. 即使克里姆林宫和俄罗斯联邦媒体上周发布了普京的照片和视频片段,仍然无法压制有关他行踪的传闻,因为这些信息并不明朗。
Bahrain has thanked its Gulf allies for sending in troops to help quell the protests and restore order. 巴林感谢海湾同盟派出军队帮助平息抗议,恢复秩序。
We know the banks want to quell the controversy. 我们知道银行希望平息争论。
The results surpassed expectations and will quell murmuring against his leadership. 选举结果好于预期,这将平息对他领导能力的质疑。
I was trying to quell a growing unease. 我正在设法消除日益增长的不安。
The European Central Bank alone has the power to quell the eurozone crisis. 只有欧洲央行(ecb)才有力量化解这场欧元区危机。
Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries. 雅利安人内部阵营越来越想要使用水晶能量以平息对手,但这被ATLARa和“一的法则”之波塞顿人坚定拒绝。雅利安人几度徒劳地企图恐吓波塞顿人,但每次都被平息。
This statement won't quell disagreement over the voting rights act. 这个声明难以消除在选举权法案上的分歧意见。
The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance. 警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。
He can not quell his fear. 他无法压抑他的恐惧。
He also built the fantastic Park quell. 他还建造了神奇的奎尔公园。
Mr Bush hopes to quell tensions over Taiwan. 而布什则希望缓解对台湾的压力。
It's also effective at calming restlessness and reducing anxiety& and may even quell restless legs syndrome. 它在使人安静和减轻焦虑方面也是有效的&并且甚至可以减轻不宁腿综合征。
John Dalli, European health commissioner, called on Germany and other countries to help quell unnecessary public fears. 欧盟卫生专员约翰达利(JohnDalli)呼吁德国及其它国家帮助消除不必要的公众恐慌。
They found that metoclopramide worked faster to quell symptoms of nausea and vomiting than droperidol. 他们发现胃复安比达哌啶醇能更快速地镇定呕吐和恶心的症状。
At the same time, a slowdown in the transfer of jobs and business units to developing countries and outside providers could quell the anti-globalisation and protectionist urges of politicians in the US and Europe. 与此同时,如果向发展中国家和海外服务供应商转移就业岗位和企业部门的速度减缓,美国和欧洲政客们反全球化和保护主义的呼声可能会有所平息。
This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club. 最近的挫折无助于消除人们对该俱乐部前景不断增加的疑虑。
The government's reassurances have done nothing to quell the doubts of the public. 政府的再次保证并没有消除公众的疑虑。
To quell inflammation, eat antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, oranges, and asparagus. 为了平息炎症,吃富含抗氧化剂的食品,如草莓,橙子,和芦笋。
Talk of a new architecture for the international system does not quell the anger of the dispossessed and unemployed. 对构建新国际体系的讨论无法平息失去房屋和工作的人的愤怒。
"Tell him to quell the storm," said the voice of the doctor in my ear. “叫他平息暴风,”医生的声音在我耳边响起。
Previous downturns were induced by sharp interest rate rises to quell the consequences of overheating. 先前的经济衰退,多源自政府为了抑制经济过热的影响而大幅提高利率的举措。
Hitler had failed to quell or conquer Britain. 希特勒未能打败或征服不列颠。
How much higher inflationary expectations-and to quell them, interest rates-will go is the question. 通胀预期及要扑灭他们的利率将有多高还是一个疑问。
YOU will KNOW when to access our realms, you will FEEL us near, we wished to make contact with you at this time to quell any FEAR that YOU may have had at the depth of energy that you connect to. 你会知晓何时进入到了我们的实相,你会感觉到我们的接近,我们希望此时与你接触,在你所连接到的能量层面来平息你可能拥有的任何恐惧。