Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate 一些人指责甘地试图安抚两派选民。
The government tried to appease discontented workers. 政府试图安抚不满的工人们。
I think it would appease my parents if I do so this summer. 我想如果我今年夏天就开始考虑,父母一定会倍感宽慰。
Descend and appease your hunger with our bread and quench your thirst with our wine. 下来用我们的面包充饥,用我们的葡萄酒解渴吧。
Livni took a much tougher line on Iran, saying Israel and the international community need to confront Tehran and not appease it. 利夫尼对伊朗则采取了比较强硬的态度。她说,以色列和国际社会需要对抗德黑兰,而不是安抚德黑兰。
Several practical application prove that this resolvent not only can appease enterprise's request for privilege management of MIS, but also is very flexible and exercisable. 通过在多个实际系统中的应用,证明此方案不仅可以满足企业对信息系统权限管理的要求,而且使权限管理具有很高的灵活性和可操作性。
This food should appease his hunger. 这些食物应该会让他感到比较不饥饿了。
Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich. 张伯伦在慕尼黑企图牺牲苏台德地区来安抚希特勒。
The need to appease powerful reactionaries in the church. 安抚教会中有势力的保守分子的必要性。
He said he could eat an elephant to appease his hunger. 他说他吃光一头大象才能充饥。
The antitrust laws have been stretched in order to appease the sentiment of populist Chinese websites. 为了安抚中国民粹主义网站的情绪,反垄断法遭到了曲解。
His appointment would appear a political move designed to appease Washington. 他的任命看上去是一个旨在安抚美国政府的政治举动。
His attempts to appease her only added fuel to the fire. 他试着安抚她,结果却造成火上加油的局面。
Addressing the need to appease markets quickly, Monti said he would name his new cabinet'with urgency. 蒙蒂在谈到有必要迅速安抚市场时说,他将很快组建新的内阁。
She knows herself and she doesn't compromise that to appease other people. 她懂自己,她不妥协以取悦他人。
All pairs are also fitted with autoclave soles to appease the lifestyle look most of you are enjoying. 也与所有对高压锅鞋底装有安抚的生活方式是你最期待的享受。
If ICANN fails to appease these interest groups, the consequences could be severe. 如果icann无法安抚这些互联网群体,那么后果可能是严重的。
They tame the lions in the army, not appease them. 在军队中,他们对凶暴如狮的人是驯服他们而不是姑息他们。
It is a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor. 他们想姑息侵略者,那是一个大错。
He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy. 他试图以糖果安抚哭泣的小孩。
By charisma of veterans, Abe expect to regain electorates and appease different voices. 安倍希望借政坛老将的魅力重新夺回选民,平息党内的批评意见。
He must appease Malay nationalists to keep his post, since his power base within UMNO is weak. 他在巫统内部的权力基础相当薄弱,因此必须安抚马来民族主义分子,才能保住自己的职位。
If Mabel should get another miff, they'd never be able to appease her. 如果梅宝儿再发怒的话,他们就没办法使她息怒了。
He has to appease his young brother. 他不得不迁就他的弟弟。
Be helpful for lighten asthma or cough. Appease nerve and blue mood. 有助于减轻气喘、嗽等症状,安抚神经,消除紧张心理和低沉情绪。
After Munich Conference, America? s policy was not only to appease Germany, but also to contain it. 慕尼黑会议之后,美国的对德政策是绥靖与遏制并存。
We can not do so face-to-face, delicate appease and treatment. 我们做不到如此面对面的、细致的安抚和治疗。
I tried to appease them by offering to replace the car with a brand-new one. 我提议用一辆全新的车取代这辆车,试图安抚他们。
Recantation was not enough to appease the company and she was sacked a few days later. 公开认错不足以让公司平息,几天后她便被炒了鱿鱼。
I did it to appease the rest of my group. 我是为了要平息我的手下。