All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance. 整个询问分析性和逻辑性太强,浪漫的气息荡然无存。
He was arrested and detained for questioning. 他遭到逮捕、拘留以接受问讯。
Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today. 博伦今天出人意料地一上来就开始连珠炮似地盘问起来。
He raised a questioning eyebrow. 他探询地挑起了眉毛。
The police have taken him in for questioning in connection with the murder of a girl. 警察把他带到警局讯问有关一个女孩被害案件的情况。
Four executive journalists were detained for questioning by the police today 警察今天拘留了4名执行记者进行讯问。
The hijacker gave himself up to police, who are now questioning him. 劫持者向警方自首了,目前警方正在审讯他。
The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning. 警方拘留了盗窃嫌疑犯以作进一步审问。
He may break under continuous questioning. 这样不断盘问他可能支持不下去。
I recall questioning them at that time as to why they had reached such a decision. 我记得那时我曾问过他们为什么达成这样一个决定。
While it is impossible to eliminate this format of questioning, attorneys should strive for simplicity in speech when an interpreter is used. 虽然无法完全避免使用这种质问形式,但律师应在使用口译员时尽量让自己的讲话简洁清楚。
After close questioning, the police released the suspect. 经过彻底盘问之后,警察释放了那个被怀疑的人。
Can we just get this questioning over with? 我们能否结束这种盘问?
By clever questioning the police trapped him into making a confession. 警察用聪明的提问使他中圈套坦白了一切。
Make him explain his understanding of the current project and play the questioning student to his teacher. 让他讲解他对当前项目的理解,让他作为老师讲解学生的提问。
Are you questioning my honesty? 你不相信我的诚实?
After six hours 'questioning by the police the accused man confessed. 经过警方六个小时的审问,被告供认了犯罪。
You are questioning my honor, my loyalty. 你在质疑我的荣誉,我的忠诚。
Police detained him for questioning. 警察对他拘留审问。
The children have already gathered some knowledge and are preparing for questioning and group inquiry. 孩子储备了一些知识,为进一步提出探究问题和分组研究打下了基础。
The police detained several suspects for questioning. 警方扣押了几名嫌犯,以便询问。
Chappelle and Johnson are questioning him. 查佩尔和约翰逊在拷问他。
The rapid-fire questioning jumbled the witness's thoughts. 一连串的询问扰乱了证人的思路。
I'm not questioning the morality of what he did. 我不是质疑他所作所为的道德性。
Are you questioning the validity of our work? 你在质疑我们工作的正确性?
I prefer questioning my pupils to lecturing them. 我喜欢少讲课,多提问我的学生。
I find myself questioning my journey. 我开始对我此行提出了质疑。
Seek out best hiring practices and interview with technical and behavioral questioning. 用技术和性格问题找出最好的雇佣的实践和面试。
But, as in the west, Asians are questioning this laisser faire approach. 但是,和西方一样,亚洲人也在质疑这种自由放任的理论。
Questioning: Why did I only reply how many questions ended? 问:为什么我只回答了几个问题就结束了?