
英 [ræk] 美 [ræk]

n.  支架; 架子; (旧时的)拉肢刑具; (羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊肉
v.  使痛苦不堪; 使受折磨



Collins.2 / BNC.6006 / COCA.4151



  1. 支架;架子
    a piece of equipment, usually made of metal or wooden bars, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on
    1. a vegetable/wine/plate/toast rack
      蔬菜 / 酒瓶 / 盘碟 / 面包片架
    2. I looked through a rack of clothes at the back of the shop.
  2. (旧时的)拉肢刑具
    an instrument of torture , used in the past for punishing and hurting people. Their arms and legs were tied to the wooden frame and then pulled in opposite directions, stretching the body.
    1. (羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊肉
      a particular piece of meat that includes the front ribs and is cooked in the oven
      1. (机器的)齿条,齿轨
        a part of a machine that consists of a bar with parts that a wheel or gear can fit into


        1. 使痛苦不堪;使受折磨
          to make sb suffer great physical or mental pain
          1. to be racked with/by guilt
          2. Her face was racked with pain.
          3. Violent sobs racked her whole body.
          4. a racking cough


          The spelling wrack is also used, mainly for meanings 2 and 3, and mainly in old-fashioned or American English. 亦拼作wrack,主要用于义项2和3,多见于过时英语或美国英语中。

        1. See also: My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack... You have to fight to reach the racks of clothes but the bargains are amazing. roof rack toast rack
        2. See also: His already infirm body was racked by high fever... The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements. ...a teenager racked with guilt and anxiety. racking
        3. PHRASE 绞尽脑汁;苦苦思索
          If you rack your brains, you try very hard to think of something.
          1. She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.
        4. PHRASE (身体或心理)受到折磨
          If you say that someone is on the rack, you mean that they are suffering either physically or mentally.
          1. Only a year ago, he was on the rack with a heroin addiction that began when he was 13.
        5. 荒废;衰败
          If you say that a place is going to rack and ruin, you are emphasizing that it is slowly becoming less attractive or less pleasant because no-one is bothering to look after it.
          1. PHRASE (衣服、商品等)现成的,成品的
            Off-the-rack clothes or goods are made in large numbers, rather than being made specially for a particular person.
            1. ...the same off-the-rack dress she's been wearing since the night before...
            2. For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.
          2. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 off-the-peg


          1. Gloria slid an appraising eye over the rest of the rack before reaching for the dress.
          2. You need a wok with a steaming rack for this; if you don't have one, improvise
          3. Invert the cake onto a cooling rack.
          4. I took the key for the room off a rack above her head
          5. My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack
          6. You have to fight to reach the racks of clothes but the bargains are amazing.
          7. His already infirm body was racked by high fever
          8. The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements.
          9. She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.
          10. Only a year ago, he was on the rack with a heroin addiction that began when he was 13.
          11. For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.
          12. Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months
          13. Turn the cake the right way up on to a wire rack
          14. My brain is continually on the rack about the means of living.
          15. Don't think this job a piece of cake. You'll have to rack your brains once you start on it.
          16. We must rack our brains for some answers to his questions.
          17. Pease return to rack after use.
          18. By clever planning, we were able to rack up the other team in the first half of the game.
          19. The cough seemed to rack his body.
          20. To increase the rack density, IBM created a new modular water cooling and distribution system.
          21. Don't you remember? You fixed up a new tie rack in the wardrobe last Sunday.
          22. I think I would know if my hat was on the hat rack.
          23. This is a rack of drill bits used in the manufacture of those ideas.
          24. You'll have two large ones in the bedroom. One has shelves and shoe rack.
          25. A rack for temporarily holding coats and hats.
          26. There are pillows and blankets in the rack over your head.
          27. It's a rack and pinion, and a good one at that.
          28. He not only talks about merb, but also gives an introduction to Rack and GitHub.
          29. I put it right here on the luggage rack.
          30. I have been looking for a sissy bar and luggage rack, just like yours.


          rack up

          1. (企业)大量实现(利润、销售),惨遭(亏损);(选手或运动队)频频获得(胜利)  


          rack up sth

          1. 累积;聚集(某物);累计(得分)
            to collect sth, such as profits or losses in a business, or points in a competition
            1. a vegetable/wine/plate/toast rack
              蔬菜 / 酒瓶 / 盘碟 / 面包片架
            2. I looked through a rack of clothes at the back of the shop.



            go to rack and ruin

          • 变得一团糟
            to get into a bad condition
            1. They let the house go to rack and ruin.
          • off the rack

            off the rack

            on the rack

          • 倍感压力;焦虑万分;痛苦不堪
            feeling extreme pressure, anxiety or pain


              rack your brain(s)

            • 绞尽脑汁;冥思苦想
              to think very hard or for a long time about sth
              1. She racked her brains, trying to remember exactly what she had said.



            1. a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately

                Synonym:    single-foot

              1. a form of torture in which pain is inflicted by stretching the body

                1. a support for displaying various articles
                  1. the newspapers were arranged on a rack

                  Synonym:    stand

                2. framework for holding objects

                  1. an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims

                      Synonym:    wheel

                    1. the destruction or collapse of something
                      1. wrack and ruin

                      Synonym:    wrack

                    2. rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton


                      1. torture on the rack

                        1. seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block

                          1. work on a rack
                            1. rack leather

                          2. stretch to the limits
                            1. rack one's brains

                          3. torment emotionally or mentally

                              Synonym:    tormenttortureexcruciate

                            1. draw off from the lees
                              1. rack wine

                            2. fly in high wind

                              1. run before a gale

                                  Synonym:    scud

                                1. go at a rack
                                  1. the horses single-footed

                                  Synonym:    single-foot

                                2. obtain by coercion or intimidation
                                  1. They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss
                                  2. They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him

                                  Synonym:    extortsqueezegougewring

                                3. put on a rack and pinion
                                  1. rack a camera