Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him 腐败的政府官员向他敲诈钱财。
Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions. 有些地方执法官滥用逮捕权进行逼供。
In a few rare cases, these individuals have even been known to perform attacks to extort a company or defraud it of money. 很少有攻击是为了敲诈或骗取公司财产。
As one young man said recently: Every week the police and immigration come and extort money from us, but the Chinese embassy does nothing, they just look down on us. 正如一名年轻的中国人最近所说的:警察和移民局的人每周都来找我们要钱,可中国大使馆什么也不做,他们根本瞧不起我们。
These reports quoted Walmart initially saying that it thought the customer was trying to extort money. 这些报道援引沃尔玛最初的话表示,该公司认为,这名消费者是想讹诈。
Moneylenders offer help, but extort a heavy price. 高利贷者愿提供帮助,但要索取沉重的代价。
But many Uzbeks claim the security forces are using that as a pretext to extort money from residents. 但是许多乌兹别克斯坦人声称,安全力量用此作为向居民敲诈勒索的接口。
I wouldn't extort a nickel from my worst enemy. 我不会从我最糟糕的敌人那儿勒索一分钱的。
Organized gangs in the area extort protection money from local business people who are too frightened to refuse. 这个地区有组织的匪徒向那些吓得不敢抗拒的本地商人勒索保护费。
A21-year-old suspect has been arrested for poisoning goods to extort money from a supermarket in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Daily reported. 据《广州日报》报道,一名21岁的嫌疑人因投毒勒索广东省广州市的一家超市而被捕。
The police used torture to extort a confession from me. 警方用刑逼我口供。
Police have not so far been able to extort a confession from the people accused of the bombing. 警方迄今尚未能迫使被控制造爆炸案者招供。
He was tortured by police in order to extort a guilty confession and when news of this was made public, it astounded the entire country. 他被警方屈打成招,当这条新闻向大众公开的时候,全国都震惊了。
Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. 如同最慧者也不会因揭露大自然奥秘、发现其完美,而丧失对其好奇之心。
He among others stood out the most. They absolutely must not harm the people or extort money from them. 他站在人群中格外醒目。严格禁止坑害勒索群众。
Claims that she tried to extort money from him. 声称女巫想从他身上榨钱。
It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat, enticement, deceit or other unlawful means. 严禁刑讯逼供和以威胁、诱、骗以及其他非法的方法收集证据。
How do I not get excited, listening to you try to extort a working man? 听到你勒索一个工人怎么能让我不兴奋?
If a mobile company could use the threat of blocking a service to extort higher fees, would innovation be stopped in its tracks? 如果一家移动公司能够以屏蔽某项服务为威胁来逼迫使用者支付更高费用,创新是否会胎死腹中?
The problem, as he saw it, was that workers could use the threat of industrial unrest to extort money from their bosses. 他认为,问题在于,工人们会用罢工威胁向老板们勒索。
Sing attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals, but the neighbors are not what they appear. 星仔试图在一个叫“猪笼城寨”的地方对居民敲诈,却不知道他们个个身怀绝技。
The blackmailer tried to extort a large sum of money from him. 勒索者企图向他勒索一大笔钱。
A way to extort money from the company you hated! 只是你向你痛恨的公司进行的一种勒索!
What do I want today? I have only to ask for it. I may seek earnestly, but not as if I had to use pressure and extort an unwilling gift from the LORD's hand; for He will give freely. 我今天要什麽?我只要单纯地、迫切地向上帝求,上帝绝不是小气、很勉强才给礼物的上帝,祂是乐于施恩的天父。
"Where a state functionary charged with implementing this Law takes advantage of his position and power to extort and accept bribes, he shall be punished according to*" various countries have tried to use it for different purposes. 执行本法的国家工作人员,利用职权索许多国家试图把它用作各种不同目的。
"It's a vile attempt to extort money," said Mr. Pickwick. 这是下流的敲竹杠的企图,匹克威克先生说。
Coming on the US Memorial Day holiday, the blast may also be a message to Barack Obama, US president, from whom impoverished North Korea wants to extort money and food. 这次核试验在美国阵亡将士纪念日(memorialday)举行,可能也是向美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)发出一个信息,贫穷的朝鲜希望向他索要资金和粮食。
Don't extort money from others. 勿强拿别人的钱。
The only aim of talks, then, would be to extort money and energy supplies from the international community in return for minor concessions. 那么,朝鲜进行六方会谈的唯一目标,将是以微小的让步为条件,敲诈国际社会的金钱和能源供应。