He barnstormed across the nation, rallying the people to the cause 他在全国四处游说,号召人们共赴大业。
Environmental issues provided a rallying point for people disaffected with the government. 环境问题把对政府不满的人们凝聚了起来。
Students used the death of political activists as a rallying point for anti-government protests. 学生们利用政治活动家的遇害号召大家进行反政府抗议活动。
Those rallying against nuclear energy are pushing for the government to back other energy alternatives like solar and wind. 联合反对核能的群体正迫使美国政府支持其他替代性能源,如太阳能和风能。
Rallying investor interest is a major plank of the creative economy agenda. 提振投资者兴趣是韩国创意经济议程的一个主要方面。
For a prince to divorce his wife was not merely a private sadness but a constitutional bonfire; an illegitimate child was not simply a source of embarrassment but quite possibly the rallying point for revolution or invasion. 王子和妻子离婚不仅仅是个人的悲哀,同时也是对宪法的挑衅;一个私生子的降生并不仅仅是难堪的来源,同时很可能是革命或入侵的聚焦点。
So do not be surprised if See you in court becomes the environmentalist's new rallying cry. 所以,当听到环保人士以「法庭见」做为最新抗争口号,请别惊讶。
The runner seemed to be rallying for a final sprint. 这赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后之冲刺。
But entertainment industry executives have followed this rallying cry only reluctantly. 但娱乐业的高管们非常不情愿响应这个号召。
It's the new rallying cry of a beleaguered nation. 这是一个陷入重重困境的国家新的集结号。
One is to show grit and solidarity by rallying around the flag and the president. 或是坚决效忠总统,展现其坚韧和团结,或是是把选举当作对战争的一次全民公决。
We should increase the influence and rallying force of the party in society at large. 增强党在全社会的影响力和凝聚力。
Astronomy, which has always stimulated curiosity, can be a rallying point for a strong learning culture. 天文学总是能激发好奇心,它可以成为一种强有力的学习文化的汇合点。
Haier culture everywhere in rallying the brand, Haier into the hearts of production throughout the entire process. 海尔文化无处不在,凝聚在品牌中,渗透到海尔人心中,贯穿于生产经营全过程。
Ruby: We're rallying well now. Look at the speed. This has got to be the longest rally of the game. 茹比:我们现在对打得很好。你看这速度,这是这场比赛最久的对打了。
A lot of other people now rallying behind you, people who had abandoned you at the beginning. 许多人现在已经团结在你的身后,最初他们曾经将你遗弃。
If you have powerful brand rallying point. 如果有强大的品牌号召力。
Is a perennial rallying cry, but free markets! 是一个持久不衰的战斗口号,而自由市场!
The yen and Swiss franc, traditional borrowing currencies, are also rallying. 而传统上作为借入货币的日元和瑞士法郎也在上涨。
So as to increase the rallying power and combat effectiveness of primary organizations. 不断提高党的基层组织的凝聚力和战斗力。
In the Nanjing even peripheral resident mind, has the rallying point very much. 在南京甚至周边市民心目中,都是很有号召力的。
In England, France, and the United States, the pursuit of happiness became the rallying cry of change. 在英国、法国和美国,对幸福的追求成为变革的振奋人心的呐喊。
They are your rallying points; to build courage when courage seems to fail; 它们是对你们的号召:当勇气渐渐消失的时候增强勇气;
Personality can produce power, that is, great deterrence, wide rallying point and long-lasting infectivity. 人格能产生力量,即巨大的震慑力,广泛的号召力,长久的感染力。
Even within the authoritarian confines of North Korea, football is rallying a new spirit among the people. 即使在朝鲜的专制范围内,足球是团结人民的一种新精神。
Rallying is a test of endurance and speed of the car over great distances. 拉力赛是对赛车在长距离的比赛中速度和耐力的考验。
As stocks soared higher, investors rushed to her rallying cry. 随着股市飙升,投资者纷纷追随她的投资口号。
But it also means there is no mechanism for rallying laggards or resolving disputes about implementation. 但这也意味着,没有对落后国家进行推动的机制,也没有解决执行方面的纠纷的机制。
Kubica is still undergoing rehabilitation following his rallying crash at the start of the year. 库比卡现在仍然处于康复期,他年初时在一场拉力赛中发生了车祸。
Cue an inspirational half-time team talk from the boss, a passionate rallying cry from the fans and the most amazing comeback of all time. 鼓舞人心的线索半时间谈论球队的老板,一个充满激情的口号从球迷和最令人惊讶的卷土重来的所有时间。