Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 比尔·贾斯蒂斯是卡尔斯巴德洞窟国家公园的管理员。
When they were thirsty, the ranger would make cups out of bamboo. 当渴了时,竹子在护林员手中又变成了水杯。
Two new character posters for The Lone Ranger have been released. 日前《独行侠》曝光了两张最新的角色海报。
I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, universe Protection Unit. 我是巴斯光年,保护宇宙小组的太空骑警。
What did the Ranger say? 护林员都说什么了?
You and the lone ranger go check it out upstairs. 你和那个独行侠去楼上看看。
I was a captain with the6th Ranger battalion. 我是游骑兵第六营的上尉。
We rubber-neck to see another accident, this time a black Ranger Rover and gray Buick. 我们又看到了另外一个交通事故,这次是辆大黑色路虎揽胜和一辆小灰色别克相撞。
And I tell you now, I will not bow to this Ranger from the north. 但是现在我告诉你我不会屈从于这位北方来的骑士。
It should be said that I was a Ranger, an unaccompanied homeless wandering the Ranger. 应该说我就是一个浪人,一个孤身游荡无家可归的浪人。
I spoke with the ranger. 我和护林员谈过。
In addition has many unorthodox editions, like inconceivable labyrinth, forest ranger and so on. 另外还有许多非正统的版本,如不可思议的迷宫、护林员等。
I need two law enforcements rangers to Ranger station. 我需要2个法定执行兵到护林站巡逻。
And what would a Ranger know of this matter? 区区一个游侠懂什么?
I was trained as an army ranger. 我曾作为军队的突击队员被训练。
And the shooter you brought jn shot a ranger. 那个你找来的杀手射杀了一个巡警。
When one Ranger fell, another would take his place. 一个突击队员倒下了,另一个又冲上来。
We were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger. 在遇到护林员的时候我们几乎快要迷路了。
"I accept the fact that as a ranger, I-" “我接受作为突击队员的事实,我-”
He joined the army at18, went to Ranger school. 他18岁入伍去了突击队学校。
If the ranger shoots you five time. 如果浪人芽你五的时间。
What did they call you, the net ranger? 他们怎么称呼你的,是网络骑兵吧?
Ten bucks. that's without telling him I'm a ranger. 赌十元,还不用提我是游骑兵。
Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled. 拉希摩尔的兰杰-纳维-辛格说,当旗子被展开的时候,安全警报和游客提醒了有关人员。
Can you believe it? The donut ranger gave me a ticket for driving too slow! 巡警给我开了张罚单,说我开车太慢!
Knew a superstitious Ranger once. 我以前认识一个迷信的游骑兵队员。
The truck drivers give themselves code names Texas ranger, Donald duck, bald eagle! 卡车司机给自己取了好几个代号&得克萨斯骑警、唐老鸭、秃鹰!
Q: what's the difference between an orc pawn and a ranger? 问:兽人爪牙和游侠有什么区别?
Now be engaged in the researches of the laser altimetry and the continuous wave laser ranger. 现从事激光测高和激光连续波测距的研究工作。