Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League. 在苏格兰足球联赛中,亚伯丁队比排在首位的流浪者队落后9分。
They will televise both legs of Leeds 'European Cup clash with Rangers. 欧洲杯利兹联队与流浪者队的两场争夺战都将进行电视转播。
I've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan, but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners 'medal with Rangers. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。
Having spent so long at a great club like Rangers, no other Scottish team could tempt him away 在流浪者队这样优秀的俱乐部呆了这么久之后,其他苏格兰球队都吸引不了他了。
The Forest Rangers and the police managed to trap the animal and tranquilize it. 护林人员和当地警察已经抓住了野牛并让他安静下来。
Rangers packaged the body, and a helicopter, borrowed from Grand Canyon National Park, lifted it out. 巡护员们包好了尸体,一架从大峡谷国家公园借来的直升飞机把它运了出去。
In May, rangers from nearby Sutton Park helped her first to reach water safely. 五月的时候,萨顿公园附近的骑警就帮过她一次了,协助它们安全到达水边。
The Rangers, kings, Bruins and jets all play in what professional sports league? 突击队,国王队,布鲁因斯队和喷气机队是在哪个专业的运动联盟中?
In contrast to warriors and rangers they wholeheartedly rely on their malicious methods, like secret sneak attacks, poison and various techniques inflicting bleeding wounds. 相反,勇士队和格拉斯哥流浪者,他们全心全意依靠他们的恶意方法,如秘密偷袭,毒药和各种技术造成伤口出血。
Kirsten Dunst and a guest attended a New York Rangers game at Madison Square Garden in New York City. 克尔斯滕·邓斯特和一位朋友观看纽约流浪者队在纽约麦迪逊广场花园的比赛。
After the Rangers encounter a virus, Mack makes a startling discovery about himself. 经过别动队遇到一个病毒,麦克作出了惊人的发现对自己。
I need two law enforcements rangers to Ranger station. 我需要2个法定执行兵到护林站巡逻。
Walter went to Rangers and then later that year I went to Manchester United. 史密斯去了流浪者,而1年后我去了曼联。
We've finally got a mission worthy of rangers. 我们终于得到了一次用得上突击队的任务了。
Couple of Park Rangers brought him in. 两个公园的巡逻把他带到这里来的。
He's the reason I joined the rangers. 他就是我加入突击队的原因。
United and rangers are playing off for the championship. 联合队和突击队要进行冠军争夺赛。
Rangers can dual weild but cannot use two hand weapons. 游侠可以双挥但不能使用双手武器。
He signs up for army rangers. 他参加了游骑兵部队。
We are all heroes, you and Boo and I! Hamsters and rangers everywhere rejoice! 明斯克:我们全都是英雄,你,还有布布和我!大仓鼠和游侠到处都快乐!
He also managed the team the first year it moved to Texas and became the Texas Rangers. 在球队移到得克萨斯州,改名为德州游骑兵后,他管理了一年的球队。
Roy Hodgson still believes that Daniel Cousin will complete his move to Fulham from Rangers. 罗伊·霍奇森仍然相信那个丹尼尔表亲将从护林员完成他的行动到假骰。
As soon as I saw the Rangers player waving to the bench we knew it was a bad one. 一看到流浪者球员拼命挥手示意队医进场的时候我就知道不好了。
United were defeated by Rangers in the semifinal. 联队在半决赛中被流浪者队击败。
Rangers failed to score a goal, but it was not for want of trying. 流浪者队虽没有进球,但已经尽力了。
She* Pamela knows everything. she's gone for the rangers. 帕梅拉知道一切,她去找突击队了。
Then he dropped the bombshell that he was going to Rangers. 然后他告诉我打算去流浪者了。
Wade, Rangers come down here all the time. 韦德,巡逻员一直都会在这儿出现的。