People living in north China have the practice of placing blocks of ice upon dung heaps to stall the insects from ravaging their homes. 惊蛰这一天,住在中国北方的人们习惯把冰块放在粪堆上,防止昆虫在家中肆虐。
A rumor was spread that a plague was ravaging the land and that only by eating a special mooncake distributed by the revolutionaries could the disaster be prevented. 一条瘟疫即将来袭,只有吃革命军分发的特殊月饼才能够抵御的谣言散播开来。
"Not till ye make amends for ravaging her virgin innocence!" says the old woman. ‘你糟蹋了我女儿的清白,除非你答应娶了她,我是不会放你出来的!’老太太说。
War is raging in the Middle East. Disease, in the form of the Ebola virus, is ravaging parts of Africa. 埃博拉病毒在非洲的部分地区肆虐。
ATLANTA& President Obama on Tuesday challenged world powers to accelerate the global response to the Ebola outbreak that is ravaging West Africa, warning that unless health care workers, medical equipment and treatment centers were swiftly deployed, the disease could take hundreds of thousands of lives. 亚特兰大&美国总统奥巴马周二敦促世界大国加快对于肆虐西非的埃博拉疫情的反应速度,并警告说如果医护人员、医疗设备及治疗中心不被迅速部署,这种疾病将夺去数以万计的生命。
With Hurricane Sandy ravaging the east coast, Mr. Obama had a chance to show compassion to storm victims and deploy government resources to neighborhoods left in ruins. 飓风桑迪在美国东海岸肆虐之际,奥巴马得以有会抚慰飓风灾民,并向被摧毁的居民区布置政府资源。
But they have been in one place for3 weeks, ravaging the force floor from miles in all directions. 但他们曾在一个地方逗留三周,从各个方向肆虐着这个承重板。
But Burkina Faso is not the only West African country struggling with the ravaging affects of the floods. 但是布基纳法索并不是唯一一个受到洪水影响的西非国家。
Possibly the greater tragedy, however, is the heroin epidemic ravaging a new generation of Kachin. 然而,更大的悲剧可能是毁灭了年轻克钦人的海洛因的泛滥。
Behind the hellish Ebola epidemic ravaging West Africa lies an agent that fittingly embodies the mad contradictions of a nightmare. 在埃博拉疫情侵袭西非的背后有一个恰好能体现一场噩梦矛盾之处的载体。
Genghis Khan's ravaging hordes razed entire villages, then used the corpses as moat-fill. 成吉思汗的游牧部落大肆蹂躏,将整个村庄夷为平地,把死尸填满护城河。
I have left them alone at home during ravaging war. 战争的时候我把他们留在家里。
This may not be the same with people that live in cities located in developing countries where heap of filth are common identity and features with ravaging poverty. 这点可能和那些发展中国家很不一样,在发展中国家一堆堆的垃圾随处可见,贫穷也是其主要特点。
The dam was originally built to contain the ravaging annual floods of the Yangtze and to provide China's growing economy with a cleaner source of electricity. 建设三峡大坝的初衷是控制每年肆虐的长江洪水,并为中国不断增长的经济提供清洁的电力来源。
But Saul was ravaging the church by entering house after house, dragging off both men and women, he committed them to prison. 扫罗却残害教会,进各人的家,拉着男女下在监里。
They had not shown much interest in the elephant when he was merely ravaging their homes, but it was different now that he was going to be shot. 当那头大象在他们的家园里横行霸道时,他们对它不曾表现出这样浓厚的兴趣,但现在那家伙要被打死了,情况就有些不同了。
It is believed that in fatigue there is a repeated process of ravaging the material. ship carrying explosives set adrift to destroy enemy ships. 据认为,在疲劳中,有一个使材料毁坏的重复过程。一种装有爆炸性材料的通过漂流来破坏敌舰的船舰。
Villagers have no choice but to use wood, coal or dung fires, raising the risk that young children will be killed by carboj-monoxide poisoning or a bad case of pneumonia ravaging weakened lungs. 村民们除了用木头,煤或者是粪肥来烧火之外别无选择,这样会增加小孩子一氧化碳中毒死亡的危险,肺功能减弱,肺炎得病率增加。
A lack of laboratory equipment and technical expertise has left Botswana unable to find the cause of a fatal disease that is ravaging its largest and most important fishery. 缺乏实验室设备和技术专家技能让博茨瓦纳无法找到一种致命疾病的原因,这种病正在破坏它的最大而且最重要的渔业。
People are paying attention to the crime of prevention and treatment of infectious disease as the SARS is ravaging on the earth. “非典型性肺炎”的肆虐引起大家对于与传染病防治有关的犯罪的重视。
Their share will grow& at a time when older diseases are still ravaging the poor. 而且这一比例还在增长。同时老年疾病也在摧残着贫穷国家。
But where I come from one does not go around ravaging libraries! 但我们的世界没人会破坏蹂躏一个图书馆。
How do they evolve in response to changes in climate or ravaging disease? 面对气候的变化或毁灭性疾病,他们是如何应对的?
The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora. 这次坠毁将一种有害的落叶剂洒入星球的生态系统中,破坏着当地的植物群。
Australia isn't the only country dealing with ravaging floodwaters right now. 现在,澳大利亚不再是唯一的一个和洪水猛兽作斗争的国家。
The monster is ravaging the countryside. 怪物正在蹂躏我们乡下。