She'll never know how close she came to being dragged off and ravished. 她将永远不知道她差点就被人拖走强暴了。
So within that context I think it is impossible for local tribal leaders to feel a great degree of warmth toward the center when they are seeing their people ravished and impoverished. 因此我认为,在这种情况下,当地方部落领袖们看到他们的人民生活在耻辱和贫穷中时,他们不可能会对中央政府产生极大的热情。
In the savage fighting, Germany itself was laid waste, the towns and countryside were devastated and ravished, the glory and the dream. 德国全境受到了野蛮战争的洗劫,市廛萧条,田野荒芜,生灵涂炭,十室九空。
I too was ravished with permanent effect. 我也被这永恒的意念弄得心神恍惚。
The wolf ravished the lamb from the flock. 狼把小羊从羊群中攫走。
I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled. 我被她那微笑完全陶醉了。
Another version of the story states that the daughters were present when Persephone was ravished by Hades and bid Zeus for wings to pursue Hades. 另一版本的故事说,当普西芬尼被哈得斯(冥王)抢走的时候,其女儿们都在场。她们要求宙斯给她们翅膀去追赶哈得斯。
He was ravished by the beauty of the language. 这种语言的美使他着了迷。
Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; 我妹子,我新妇,你夺了我的心。
The prince was ravished by cinderella's beauty. 王子被灰姑娘的美丽迷住。
He was ravished from the world by death. 他被死神夺去生命。
The cities were ravaged, citizens were tortured, robbed, murdered, women were ravished, churches looted while the bells tolled horror. 城市遭到破坏,居民们遭到酷刑,他们被掠夺,被杀害,妇女们被奸污,教堂被抢劫,钟声回荡在恐怖的气氛中。
Is it, as some have suggested, a sort of ecological revenge by the wounded ecosystem of a ravished planet, a punishment for our transgression upon nature? 是否如人所言,这是惨遭蹂躏的星球上伤痕累累的生态系统的一种生态报复,对我们入侵大自然的惩罚呢?
As a result of their constant gazing into five minutes ago and three days hence, they've developed a distracted look. I too was ravished with permanent effect. 他们专注于五分钟前和三天后的时候会显得恍恍惚惚。我也被这永恒的意念弄得心神恍惚。
From the end of the eighth century, the Norsemen ravished and plundered the shores of every land from the Baltic to the mediterranean. 8世纪末以后,古代北欧人对波罗的海至地中海的每一块沿海土地进行了掠夺。
While she may not have been the greatest actress of her generation in terms of pure talent and technique, she had an irresistible screen presence that kept audiences ravished by her films. 即使在她同辈的女演员中,她未见得仅以纯熟的演技取胜,但她不可抗拒的银幕形象魅力四射,令无数热爱她的观众曾为她出演的电影趋之若鹜。