WMO Climate Expert Rupa Kumar Kolli says if La Nina re-emerges it would result in rainfall, which is either normal or below normal. 世界气象组织气候专家鲁帕·柯里说,如果再次出现拉尼娜,将导致正常或低于正常强度的降雨。
But no sooner than it evaporates from academia, it re-emerges elsewhere, often with a vengeance. 但没有快比它蒸发从学术界,它在别处再度出现,经常以复仇。
At the same time pay demands take off and inflation re-emerges. 同时,待遇要求开始上升,通胀重新抬头。
When robust growth re-emerges, whether it comes from China or the US, Japan will benefit. 无论是中国还是美国,一旦再次出现强劲增长,日本都将从中受益。
Conclusion There still exist a possibility of malaria re-emerges and epidemic at Dongguan port. It's necessary to strengthen the prevention and control program of malaria among entry-exit personnels at Dongguan port. 〔结论〕东莞口岸仍然存在疟疾传入和再度流行的危险,东莞出入境人群中仍需加强疟疾预防和控制工作。
When space is reorganized, the implicit meaning re-emerges. 当空间被重新组织后,其中隐含的意义就重新产生出来。