The generic name for this re-ordering procedure is Complex Font Layout ( CFL). 这个重新排序过程的通用名字是ComplexFontLayout(CFL)。
Scripts such as Tamil, Burmese, and Thai all require such re-ordering procedures before any rendering can occur. 诸如泰米尔语、缅甸语和泰国语之类的脚本在进行显示之前都需要这种重新排序过程。
Tensions from an economic slowdown, economic reform/ restructuring and/ or the corruption crackdown and its political re-ordering could lead to even more external friction than would normally be expected with a rising power. 经济增长放缓、经济改革/重组、反腐和政治秩序重构引起的紧张关系将导致更多的外部摩擦,超过了一般情况下新兴大国的预期。
Amazon also has advertised a developer program that allows companies to build re-ordering buttons directly into their own hardware. 此外,亚马逊已经开始大肆宣传其开发者项目。这个项目允许各厂商在自己的硬件产品里直接内置重复下单按钮。
ST Aero, for example has an SAP system that allows automated re-ordering, but strictly controls what it chooses to reorder without any manual intervention. 新加坡技术宇航公司使用了SAP系统实现自动再订货,但是对重新订购的项目进行严格的控制而非人为干涉。
This re-ordering of the scale and viewer's position has been an essential strategy for Cai. 这种比例和观众位置的重构一直是蔡国强创作上的经典策略。
Based on it, a general re-ordering scheme was designed and it provided an effective approach to achieve the convergence of operation results. 此策略为达到执行操作集合结果的一致性提供了一种有效方法,为并发控制框架模型提供了一种算法基础。
Consideration is given to possible amendments before re-ordering. 就要在重新订购前考虑作可能的修改了。
Hardware Architecture for Packet Re-Ordering in TCP 一个用于TCP协议中包重排序的硬件结构
Normally, structural ambiguity gives rise to comprehension problems, but it can also be put to positive use, and ambiguity may be eliminated through structural re-ordering. End-of-Period Adjustment 一般来说,歧义句会造成理解困难,但在英语写作中也可积极应用,并可通过词序的调整来消除歧义现象
Right in the "re-ordering" process, the tension, caused by the structural differences of the gender role, is magnified. 正是在这个再秩序化过程中,传统汉人社会男性和女性角色结构性差异的张力被放大。