She has, almost single-handedly, realigned British politics. 她几乎是单枪匹马一个人重整了英国政坛。
Whenever possible, communication and collaborations should be assessed and realigned as needed to support clear, effective, and timely exchange of knowledge and artifacts. 无论什么时候可能,沟通和协作都应当按照支持清晰、有效和及时的知识和工件交换的需要而被评估和重新结合。
The changes begin in the third code block, which uses the two-argument form of the built-in getline() function to return a list of all the lines in the range to be realigned. 从第三个代码块开始发生变化,它使用内置的getline()函数的双参数形式来返回需要重新对齐的行的列表。
When necessary, the guides and the car guide rails shall be renewed, readjusted, or realigned as required to ensure smooth and quiet operation in accordance with the finally accepted test conditions. 必要时,应根据需要更新、重新调整或重新对齐导向装置和轿厢导轨,以便确保平稳和安全的运行符合最终接受的测试条件。
Mr Davies, in Beijing for a board meeting of the bank, said he expected a huge explosion in cross-border deals as the assets of companies in fast-growing economies were realigned with the new structure of the global economy. 戴维思目前在北京参加该银行的董事会会议。他预计,随着全球经济新结构的形成,迅速发展经济体的公司资产随之重新组合,跨境交易将出现爆炸式增长。
So, many of you will discover in the next year that your Soul Purpose has changed and been realigned quite radically, as you begin a "new incarnation" in the same physical body. 因此,你们中的很多人会发现在未来的一年中,你们的灵魂目标会发生巨大的改变,因为你们就要在相同的物理身体内开始一段新生。
An osteotomy is a procedure is where the bones are cut and realigned to redistribute weight. 截骨术是一个程序是骨头被切断和调整,重新分配重量。
This, and NoKo to a smaller degree, is why Japan recently realigned their defense strategy away from their Cold War emphasis on tanks to one of defensiveness and expanded naval control of their seas. 只有少数日本人同意这种说法,冷战后日本为了在他的海域布置更多的坦克装备和海军力量而重新调整了战略部署。
The surgeon realigned my jaw after the accident. 那次事故后,外科医生重整了我的下颌。
Several politicians left the party and realigned themselves with the opposition. 几名政客脱离了该党,重新加盟反对派。
At various points in his presentation, he realigned them. 在他陈述的过程中,他不时重新排列它们。
The chairs were realigned to face the stage. 椅子已重新排好面向舞台。
The two groups, now with realigned priorities, will continue to go head-to-head in their new priority businesses, too, corporate banking, trade finance and high-end personal banking. 这两大集团的战略重心都经过了调整,它们也会在企业银行、贸易融资和高端个人银行等新的优先业务上,展开针锋相对的竞争。
She has realigned germany's position, putting some distance between herself and Jacques chirac, and between herself and russia's leader, Vladimir putin, while edging closer to america's president, George bush. 她重新调整了德国的位置,不但与希拉克之间,也与俄罗斯领导人普京之间留了点距离,同时向美国总统布什的方向移得更近了。
This type of plaid may be folded lengthwise or cut on the cross grain and realigned with the right sides together. 这种格子布可沿直丝绺折叠或沿横丝绺剪下,然后正面相对,重新排列。
Following the financial crisis, the world order is being realigned, and the economic centre is shifting from Europe to the Pacific, so Russia hopes to lean towards Asia in its economic development. 金融危机过后,世界秩序正被改写,经济中心从欧洲向太平洋地区转移,因此俄罗斯在经济发展中希望向亚洲靠拢。
Supply and demand will have to be realigned and that is not a simple process in an industry where for most producers, operating costs ( as opposed to the initial capital costs) are very low. 供应和需求必须重新调整,而这一过程并不简单,因为在该行业,多数生产商的运营成本(相对于初始资本成本)都很低。
However, he believes the interests of asset management firms can be realigned with those of the ultimate, beneficial owners of the shares ( such as individual pension fund members and pensioners). 但他相信,通过重新调校,资产管理公司的利益能够与股票最终受益者(如购买养老基金的个人和养老金领取者)的利益相一致。
Mounted the stage and announced to the spectators, The chairs were realigned to face the stage. 就爬上舞台,当着观众的面说,椅子已重新排好面向舞台。
Although the narrative time of historical biography on figures and historical novel is realigned in the text but their narrative patterns specifically exhibited are different. 虽然人物史传与历史小说的叙述时间都是经过了重新排列的文本化了的时间,但是它们具体展现出来的叙述模式是不同的。
If the conflicts of organizational culture are not well restructured and realigned, they are to have a bad and long-term effect on the merger of universities and colleges. 组织文化的冲突如不能得到很好地整合,必然会对高校的合并过程带来长久的不良影响。